Time is our enemy


New member
After my mom recently died I began to notice how short life is and how fast time is running out! We only have around 80 years and it goes by so fast. If there was an afterlife and 100 percent proof of it and GOD as well, I might feel different but no one really knows what will happen after death and it's very scary. I don't know if this feeling i a phase of life or not but it's making me insane and I can't stop thinking about it. thoughts?
Sorry to hear about your mom. Here are my thoughts:

As much as we like to pretend otherwise, biologically, we are just animals. As long as our heart is pumping oxygen into our brain and throughout our bodies, we are alive. Inevitably, something will go wrong and our hearts will stop. We have survival instincts because deep down we know that death is the end. So how do we deal with this?

We all deal with death in our own ways. At some point, I will be dead, and I will be nothing but a memory which will eventually fade away. I have accepted this, and so all I do is try to live as long and as well as I can. In my spare time, I spend time with those that matter to me, and I work on projects that I can leave behind. That's how I see it, and that is how I deal with my inevitable death.
To be honest, lately I too, have become almost overwhelmingly aware of the force of Time. And of how fast it is going by.

Perhaps it is a coincidence that I am recently turned 29 years old, that I start noticing the grip that Time has me in. I'm for the most part content with how I spend my time, but I only ponder the hold time has on us, when I start feeling like I'm spending too much of my time working and not doing ideal things... but this is just a part of getting older I suppose.

My condolences on your recent loss. As cliche' as it may seem, think of the song that says "Time is just a rubber band, Time is at our command".

If you think about it, and look for opportunities, you will find Time is less of a Captor, and more of a Banker.
After my mom recently died I began to notice how short life is and how fast time is running out! We only have around 80 years and it goes by so fast. If there was an afterlife and 100 percent proof of it and GOD as well, I might feel different but no one really knows what will happen after death and it's very scary. I don't know if this feeling i a phase of life or not but it's making me insane and I can't stop thinking about it. thoughts?

I'm sorry to hear about your mom.
Now for the bad news: I plan on living more than another 26 years, so you can stuff that 80 year expiration date in the trash. As far as the after life goes, even if there isn't one...what can you do about it?
I'm one of those that believes we change form. Not so much reincarnation, but something else.
Quit worrying about this stuff. It'll kill ya.
Thanks, I'll try not to think about it.

On the contrary, I would advise that you and everyone else should spend time thinking about it. Only then will you get over your anxieties and come to an understanding of what you believe about life and death. Don't just put your faith in other people's half-assed ideas (or even good ones, for that matter); figure out what really works for you and what you can actually know as truth.

Life's short, and it can end suddenly. Make the best of it.
Sorry for your loss.

I think comprehending life and death is part of the coming of age process. But some cultures seem to do a better(?) job sheltering us from the reality. Japanese culture has always seemed to be a lot more honest and open about existentialism than USA, for example.

I had never lost an immediate family member or close loved one until about 3 years ago when I lost my best friend. It certainly forced the maturing process for me. Since then i've lost a brother. And just now i'm getting over the unhealthy cynicism and beginning to appreciate life as a precious and often short experience.
Once again, sorry to hear about your mom (always hard to lose someone you're so close to).

As far as how I feel about death...I think that whenever it should happen to me, that it's probably something I won't be able to prevent, so in that case, why get worried about it now? I'll just do as best as I can until then (which will probably be quite a while from now).
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