Whoa, guess who's birthday!


New member
Happy birthday, 9th Sage! May you do whatever it is you like to do on your birthday
<P ID="signature"></P>
> Happy birthday, 9th Sage! May you do whatever it is you
> like to do on your birthday

<center><img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c196/reaper_man/birthday.gif>
Indeed, Happy B-day!</center>
<P ID="signature"></P>

<P ID="signature">http://www.directionless.bravehost.com
Happy b-day, man. <img src=smilies/thumb.gif>

> Happy birthday, 9th Sage! May you do whatever it is you
> like to do on your birthday
<P ID="signature"></P>

Actually, I personally hope that your birthday DOESN'T contain the "Mild Fantasy Violence" that this card promised... well, at least not against YOU. =P Have a good one!
<P ID="signature">--
Yes, I'm female, gaming is my hobby, and I'm going into programming. Not taken, either, but seeing as how the law for girls on the internet is "Single, attractive, sane: choose two"... so...</P>
> Happy birthday, 9th Sage! May you do whatever it is you
> like to do on your birthday

Congrats mate. Enjoy!
<P ID="signature"></P>
> Happy birthday, 9th Sage! May you do whatever it is you
> like to do on your birthday
Yeah woo! Happy birthday!
<P ID="signature">

Wii console code - 7551377053011860</P>
> Actually, I personally hope that your birthday DOESN'T
> contain the "Mild Fantasy Violence" that this card
> promised... well, at least not against YOU. =P Have a good
> one!

Heh, before I read this I was about to say "Wow, my birthday is rated E for Mild Fantasy Violence!" Thaks a lot everybody...don't have too many plans besides my mom wanting me over for teh dinner and teh cake, I'll make sure it's a good day (hey, don't have to work today, for one). <img src=smilies/thumb.gif>
<P ID="signature">http://www.xanga.com/zeldadd

My blog...the perfect cure for curry withdrawl!!</a></P>
> Happy birthday!
> Found this from my old shit directory, btw.
> Suprise! (Or not.)

Hahaha, I would never have expected anyone would still have this, or that they'd remember I made it. That's awesome. <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif> Oops, I just realized that I forgot to change some of the labels for the character icons.

Ok, so, I was taking a VB class in college, and I had this sitting around from a few years before that, so as my final project I dusted it off, improved it some, and gave it a Chrono Trigger theme instead of a Tenchi Muyo theme like the original had. I got an A for like a couple of hours of work (mostly just making it so you could play the computer and it would win sometimes). :D I know how lazy this is, but eeeh...most of that class was stuff I knew already anyway.
<P ID="signature">http://www.xanga.com/zeldadd

My blog...the perfect cure for curry withdrawl!!</a></P>
> Happy birthday, 9th Sage! May you do whatever it is you
> like to do on your birthday

Happy birthday DD! *remembers back when people used to assume you were female because of the DD*

<P ID="signature">

<a href=http://doma.in>My domain blog (updated now and then)</a></P>
> Happy birthday DD! *remembers back when people used to
> assume you were female because of the DD*

Yeah...I really did not think through my nickname very well. :D
<P ID="signature">http://www.xanga.com/zeldadd

My blog...the perfect cure for curry withdrawl!!</a></P>
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