Where can I download Mame32 v.79?


New member
I need this old version as the ROM set I have wont work with the new version, all my street fighter roms are worthless

I've searched google and cant find it. I'd even take regular mame .79 also but I prefer mame32

no more street fighter <img src=smilies/cry.gif>

<P ID="signature">---
Kobe Bryant is a RAPER</P>
> I've searched google and cant find it. I'd even take regular
> mame .79 also but I prefer mame32

With regards to regular MAME 0.79, you can go to mame.net and simply take the download link for the current version (0.83), and replace the 83 with 79.

EDIT: Just a thought, why not look elsewhere and get a set that works with 0.83?
i just found it on shareaza, i will make a backup of it now :)

I got my Rom set from the rom burning team. Its hard as hell to get them off the internet and takes forever (if you want the full 6DVD set)

i've been dying for some Street fighter, havent played it in months <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>

<P ID="signature">---
Kobe Bryant is a RAPER</P>
> Its hard as hell
> to get them off the internet and takes forever (if you want
> the full 6DVD set)

Yes, because you're going to play every single one of them. In the words of one of the devs, "Pika Pika, Pokérom." <img src=smilies/upeyes.gif>

> i've been dying for some Street fighter, havent played it in
> months

Well, for reference, it's not difficult at all to get a complete MAME set off of the 'net (newsgroups consistently have every ROM and CHD, and there's a website I know of that has the full MAME set as well as all of the intermediate-release sets as well. Just sayin'. <img src=smilies/thumb.gif>

<P ID="signature">

"Kupo, motherfucker!! DO YOU SPEAK IT!?"</P>
> Yes, because you're going to play every single one of them.
> In the words of one of the devs, "Pika Pika, Pokérom."

How did I never think of this phrase? <img src=smilies/laff.gif>

> Well, for reference, it's not difficult at all to get a
> complete MAME set off of the 'net (newsgroups consistently
> have every ROM and CHD, and there's a website I know of that
> has the full MAME set as well as all of the
> intermediate-release sets as well. Just sayin'.

Weell...you can get anything off the internet, especially if you have the right connections.

<P ID="signature">http://www.xanga.com/ZeldaDD
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