What are the most important things in life?


New member
The nihilist would say nothing. The subjectivist would say that it depends on the individual. Conan the Barbarian would probably say something about killing your enemies and hearing the lamentations of their women.

Maybe the purpose of life is to be able to say, if and when death comes, that you have not wasted your life, that you have done something for something greater than your embodied self and its desires?

Certainly there are trials and trevails. I cannot bear to live with the thought of seeing my parents see me die as their only son. Throughout life I acquired an understanding of this world and encountered terrible things and people which would have long destroyed weaker souls. Yet, through selfishness and hubris, I have failed in many ways.

Let me offer you all a warning: things are not what they seem. Question the motives of those with answers to everything. Question especially those things presented to you as innocent and harmless. Run screaming from the darkness concealed in all that is fluffy and shallow. Do not be deceived by demagogues and ideologues. Question why there are so many distractions, and question the source of these.
Maybe the purpose of life is to be able to say, if and when death comes, that you have not wasted your life, that you have done something for something greater than your embodied self and its desires?

That's a pretty fluffy answer to everything. ;)
Sorry, that's the objectivist. Are you making these posts up as you go? Are you high? :confused:

No, I think Jaduss had it right. One would expect the objectivist to say that while various people may have conflicting ideas about what the answer is, in reality there is only one correct answer, whether it's known yet or not.

And you're suggesting that most of us aren't making up these posts as we go? ;)
Let me offer you all a warning: things are not what they seem. Question the motives of those with answers to everything. Question especially those things presented to you as innocent and harmless. Run screaming from the darkness concealed in all that is fluffy and shallow. Do not be deceived by demagogues and ideologues. Question why there are so many distractions, and question the source of these.

You, my young friend, hit the nail on the head.
Nothing is as what it appears. There is some sort of trap or catch to most things that sound too good to be true.
Plus, there's no such thing as a free lunch.
Sorry, that's the objectivist. Are you making these posts up as you go? Are you high? :confused:

If you mean that non-philosophy created by that laughable egomaniac Ayn Rand...sort of. Hilariously, Ayn Rand's philosophy, by denying the subjective as well as metaphysics actually takes much power away from the ego and the individual, creating a fine way to make nerdy basement dwellers with stunted reasoning skills.

The subject-object split itself is actually in itself a means of dominating individuals but for reasons that are difficult to explain, is quite necessary.
If you mean that non-philosophy created by that laughable egomaniac Ayn Rand...sort of. Hilariously, Ayn Rand's philosophy, by denying the subjective as well as metaphysics actually takes much power away from the ego and the individual, creating a fine way to make nerdy basement dwellers with stunted reasoning skills.

The subject-object split itself is actually in itself a means of dominating individuals but for reasons that are difficult to explain, is quite necessary.

Oh, he was talking about a Rand-following "Objectivist"? Oops, I missed that. I thought he was just refering to philosophical objectivism, in opposition to your subjectivist.
Cornellius what if nothing can be known? What if only everything can be loved, and a heart can only prosper?

Umm my answer to have an answer to that question that satisfies us I guess?
Hmm...if "knowledge is power" and you have absolute knowledge...since "absoulute power corrupts absolutely" does that mean you are corrupt? Or would you realize this, having absolute knowledge of everything, and avoid that pitfall?


That's actually a quite accurate view of things. Knowledge is basically false, its just that depending on the circumstances, it can appear very real.
Hmm...if "knowledge is power" and you have absolute knowledge...since "absoulute power corrupts absolutely" does that mean you are corrupt? Or would you realize this, having absolute knowledge of everything, and avoid that pitfall?


I meant knowledge as being logical, to always know or be able to find a way to solve problems on this earth. I believe that knowledge is at first neutral, then it takes one side or another depending on the person using it.

My 2nd most important thing would be choice.

Let's not forget memory and wisdom, in order to remember our mistakes from the past and be able not to repeat them.
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Oh, he was talking about a Rand-following "Objectivist"? Oops, I missed that. I thought he was just refering to philosophical objectivism, in opposition to your subjectivist.

No, you got it right, JadussD got it wrong... I least I think you got it right. And in any case jadus got it worng! (I'm *very* tired right now) :D
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