What are some easy to use NES developing programs?


New member
Hello everyone. I'm back after some time on the lamb as cause by school. Now I'm back and have a few simple questions that I hope you fine folks could answer for me.

Is there a program that will allow me to make a nes type game, but with vocal audio? I suppose a better way to put this is; Is there a program that I can more or less make a nes game from ground up, but use some nes game coding that already exists?

I want to rip Final Fantasy's battle system to modify it and make an 8 bit like computer game with it. If anyone already has the battle scripts ripped and wouldn't mind sharing that would be nice. But my main concern is finding a program tat will let me do what I listed above.
It's pretty damn difficult to automagically translate PC code written in one language to PC code written in another language, let alone taking assembly code written for a 25+ year old console and translate it to a modern PC.

If there were any easy way to do it, you'd see a ton of PC versions of NES games, rather than ROMs and emulators. The fact that you don't see any at all should be a clue that such things don't exist.
Alright. Is there a computer program that will let me program a game that looks 8 bit, but use vocal audio files? I can program my own battle system given enough time, if it's in basic or C++. Something a tad more visually oriented would be nice of course.

I tried game maker, but that was meh at best. RPG maker is ok, but not fully capable of what I want. Plus both of those require that you pay for a full version. Is there anything like what I want that is free? Even if it is add supported.
If you can program in C++ then just use C++. Any "game making" programs are just going to be limited in what you're able to do. Using a real programming language will give you as much flexibility as you require.

If it were me, I'd be looking into programming it in ActionScript because that's where the money is these days.
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