Visual Basic tutorial


New member
Does anyone know a good book or tutorial on Visual Basic 6?
If you do, give me a link to it.<img src=smilies/cry.gif>

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why the crying?

<P ID="signature">Breadcrust

Click me!, you know you want to...
Because there are so many tutorials and books on c++, and no Visual Basic. Or at least I can not find them.
I want to start coding something, but I do not know from where to start. It is always the same problem...
Anyways, please help.

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> why the crying?

He is overly emotional I think. He just found out Santa Claus does not exist!

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> Because there are so many tutorials and books on c++, and no
> Visual Basic. Or at least I can not find them.

<img src=smilies/eek13.gif> Your not looking very hard are you? Every remainder book store i go into is full of VB books. Hell, even DMCA violating services have them.

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Well, if you do not want help me, then do not even post anything.
And Santa Claus does exist, but some people are too dumb to see that...

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Umm, read the post bub. I told you exactly where you can get them. Oh, i would also like to add amazon and any legit book buisiness online. I know because i recent went looking for the exact same thing you are. Theo only difference is I actually LOOKED!

Go look.

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I MEAN the FREE books, not comercial. I did find some tutorials.
I wanted some reccomendations.

<P ID="signature"></P>
> I MEAN the FREE books, not comercial. I did find some
> tutorials.
> I wanted some reccomendations.

Hallaluya, you said what you meant! I personally prefer commecial books over tutorials to begin. I like being able to flip through pages as i am working! It is easier than chainging screens

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> Hallaluya, you said what you meant!

Well, sorry for my bad English.<img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>

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Wiseass (but true) answer:

Don't bother. VB is an utter waste of time and will ultimatly just slow down the progress of your coding skill. It does so many things back-asswards from the norm, if you ever want to advance to another language that doesn't completely suck, you'll have to 'unlearn' a lot of the stuff VB taught you.

C's syntax is actually very simple (I'd say even simpler than VB). The only thing that's 'hard' about making programs in C is working with the API... but the thing is... all serious VB apps work with the API anyway because the VB substitutions are stupid and slow. Not to mention so many other languages are based on (or at least are remarkably similar to) C/C++... including Java, Delphi, C#, even PHP. So by taking the 2 extra days it takes to learn C instead of VB, you'll have a foot in the door on whatever language you decide to move to next.
Re: Wiseass (but true) answer:

Some Wiseass (but true) answer. Thanks, pal.
So, I need to learn C++, huh?
Okay, then.<img src=smilies/thumb.gif>

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Re: Wiseass (but true) answer:

If you can... probably start with straight C. If you learn C, learning C++ will be easier (C++ is C, but with a bunch of added rules and features and stuff).

You'll probably have to start small with pointless apps (proably console since it's easier to code for) until you get the basics down... then you can try moving to Windows stuff. Unfortunatly I don't have any tutorial links to give you /wwwthreads/images/icons/frown.gif

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Re: Wiseass (but true) answer:

It will be hard to find the program since it is very old. Or maybe easy. Who knows? Thanks anyways. In the next 3,4 or 5 years I will make a good editor for Final Fantasy 2 (SNES). Wish me luck.

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