Translation Release: Madou Monogatari

Gideon Zhi

New member

Yay! It's done, it's cute, it's got people you'll recognize from Puyo Puyo in it! Go play!

Relevant linkage: http://agtp.romhack.netAeon Genesis</A>

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Aeon Genesis ~ Aiyah! Thank you for the always and always.</center></P>
> Yay! It's done, it's cute, it's got people you'll recognize
> from Puyo Puyo in it! Go play!

Wow, nice one. Just out of interest, when exactly do you sleep?

<P ID="signature"></P>
Hooray! I was getting bored of replaying SD3, I'll quit now and play this instead <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>.

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