Time for the Return of the CSA?


New member
I was thinking....given our current situation of excessive dividedness in this country, and the extreme bitterness between the geographic regions of this counrty....would anyone else think its time to re-create the CSA? The EU seems to have the whole Confederacy thing down pretty good...why can't we follow a good example for once? Here's my proprosal: In following with Lobster's Libertarian philosophy, cut the federal government drastically, and make it the "figure head" type organizational structure of lets say...6 countries.

The breakup would be as follows:
Country 1: California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada.
Country 2: Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nebraska, Kansas
Country 3: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Lousiana, Missouri.
Country 4: Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illionis, Michigan, Ohio.
Country 5: All "southern" states
Country 6: All "northern" states

There could possibly some combinations....like with Country 2 & 3, or Country 4 & 6. But you get the basic idea. Break the country up into collections of states to form their own countries that would be part of the creater Confederacy. With this approach, there would be no huge "federal government" looming over everyone making decisions about abortion and civil rights. Each smaller country, that has a general demographic/political similarity ( I know, a HUGE generealization, but work with me here), will create its own set of laws governing the nitpicking of "morals".

Now...the big question: military. This one would be a bit tricky....would the Confederacy be in charge of it? Yeah, I think that would be best....each portion would have to contribute a proportional amount to the greater whole, and military decisions would be voted upon by each separate country until an agreement could be reached.

As far as economics and such.....just keep the dollar universal (like the Euro) and basically go about it the way the EU is. At this point...I think it would be best for the safety of all of us, and the world.

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...the way to be!</div></P>
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