There's somethin' about weddings


New member
A good friend of mine since junior high just got married today.

She was marching section leader our junior and senior years in high school ('cuz our director didn't think there were enough clarinets. She tucked us under with the flutes <img src=smilies/cwm10.gif>). She hasn't changed much. Actually, she hasn't seemed to have changed at all. The special vows thingy segment of the ceremony was the typical proper and verbose spiel from the bridegroom. My friend, though, in reply, said she knew at first sight she had to have him, and now she does, and carried on with other amusing yet serious vows.

Between the ceremony and the reception, you know the whole biz about everyone filing past the couple and giving thier thoughts. During this section, she & I gave an overview of how we've fared since high school. I mentioned to her husband how long we've known each other, and he (this was <u>slick</u>) asked me if I had any interesting stories (and oh do I ever). She looked at me and said "Ben, I'll beat you!!"

Of course, that didn't stop me at the reception. Didn't take her long to quickly approach when I was just getting started. Somehow he managed to direct her attention elsewhere. So, I had the jolly good time of telling one little story and one doozy. The little one was how I used my waterbottle to spray her at band camp our freshman year. The doozy...part of me is gonna regret posting this, but hell, I'll do it. Our senior year, also at band camp (for those who have never been band camp, the events, proceedings, and circumstances there are all so damn peculiar you'd think you've slipped the surely bonds of reality and entered the fantastical), she and a few other girls in her bunk did an interesting little pole dance, using some of the freshman boys as poles (no joke). I wasn't there for the event, but heard plenty enough to know what all went on in that room. <img src=smilies/erm.gif><img src=smilies/errrr.gif>

Later in the evening, some song comes up, she comes by and directs me out to the dance floor with her. I get to dance with m' old friend, and the first thing she says is "What did you tell him?" She ought to have known I told about her most amazing stunt, and when I informed her, her head just fell onto my shoulder. She said "That wasn't the one to tell." I figured, but I knew that was gonna come out sooner or later. Might as well get the worst out on the table immediately, I say. Though, perhaps the worst is what the groomsmen did to the car...I didn't read any of the silly statements, but I did notice the condoms inflated like balloons tied to the antenna.

Blah. I had fun, and I feel old. Friends I've had since I was a kid now getting married...I feel old.

<P ID="signature">-- Sir Robin</a>
<image src=""></P>
> Blah. I had fun, and I feel old. Friends I've had since I
> was a kid now getting married...I feel old.

get used to it bud-e. I have been to countless High School friend's weddings. And there are more to come. That is why my new friends - the ones I can actually hang out with on a regular basis - are single and a lot younger than me.

Getting older and still single is a tough job but somebody's gotta do it. Actually, it's not tough at all, what the hell am I saying? It's great. But, I do feel like the highlander, who lives eternally having to say goodbye to friends and lovers and move on to a new younger generation. As people from my history move on to "settling down" and such, leaving me in the lurch.

<P ID="signature"><img src=></P>
i was at one a few years ago. i didn't like it. though i ate massive amounts of food, sat with people that i didn't know and i got pissed in a few points. i'm not a big people person, infact i'm more of an online, hangout cause i dont have to be shy. kind of guy. in real life. anyway, i was one of the best men. and of course, i got to stand behind the fat man named ray.

kinda funny how i never got to see anything.

<P ID="signature">give a man a match and he will be warm for a night. light a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life. </P>
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