SuperMetroid: Redesign, Comparison of ORIGINAL map size, and NEW map size


New member
I don't update here often cause no one ever gives feedback, but heres a comparison of new norfairs map, compared to the size of the original.... now imagin all the areas increasing by the same % and you'll have my hack, which will be completed in anotehr few months....

<img src =>

As you can see the size of the area is much larger than it used to be =) Crateria is soon to be complete.... Level design is almost finished!!!
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Damn! So what are we looking at here for an estimated average time for completion? <img src=smilies/eek13.gif>
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Edit: ...As in to play through the game, not to finish the hack.<P ID="edit"><FONT class="small">Edited by MegaManJuno on 03/24/06 11:19 PM.</FONT></P>
.... >_>

I would say a TAS would leave a pure speed trial of 1:30+, I did a sloppy test run and was able to complete 2/5 of the hack in 52 min, this was a while ago.

I would be BLOWN AWAY if someone pulled off a 100% in UNDER 2:30
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Well...this should be interesting. :)
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ZDD's Weblog - Now it has content! Really!</a></P>
That hack is going to be sweet. Please don't stop updating on this board! Also, isn't there a way that you can hack it so that you get extra time to finish before you lose the best ending?
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I ain't a killa but don't push me.</P>
it's already of my interests =) I had a few other ideas too, but those saddly are near impossible to do
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