

New member
I'm bored, and it's either rambling or work so here I am.

So I've got ClamAV and it's got a command-line scanner, so I go 'man clamav' and the systems like "What the fuck's clamav?". Seriously? What? 10 minutes of searching later going "HOW. DO. I. FUCKING. USE. IT!" I find an off-hand mention of 'clamscan'. Yep. Why was that not mentioned earlier? "Oh, the clamav package installs a command-line scanner, but good luck figuring out what we called it!", fuck you and your insistence of user clairvoyance Debian.

Also, Flash Player is broken here. YouTube videos won't expand (wow, that 640x360 window looks so great on my new 1920x1080 display!) and videos won't play at but they will play if embedded at any other site because that totally makes sense and why the fuck is it broken?

I broke sudoers too yesterday. My solution is to start using su instead, like a good Debian user. Say goodbye to the last remnants of my Ubuntu usage! Because Ubuntu is shit! It does stuff for you! Who wants stuff done for them? What the hell am I talking about?

Oh, Sailor Moon. I've been watching the first season recently, and it's totally better than you think it is. At least the uncensored, subtitled version is. The dub is totally as bad as you remember it being. Possibly even worse. Why does Usagi sound like 40? Even if the voice actress was 40, Wendee Lee is well past 50 and can still play Konata Izumi without sounding creepy as fuck.

Did you know this region of Britain is switching to entirely digital television this month? I'm way more excited about retuning four different televisions than I should be. I want to get a good Yagi18B and XB 16B and figure out if I can get a good signal from the Sutton Coldfield transmitter here. I'd also want to try a masthead amp with an XB 16E to see if receiving Winter Hill transmissions here is actually possible. What kind of fucking transwoman am I? Jesus, this is screwed up.

Also, did you know I'm an avid reader of the Skulduggery Pleasant series of novels? Really, for over a year now. I got Death Bringer recently (Edit: Finished it. Shit continues to be awesome). They are really, seriously, totally, AWESOME. It's like Derek Landy got a look inside my head and started writing shit that would appeal to all parts of me at once and he's really fucking good at it too. You have to see the dialog that Skulduggery keeps coming out with, I fucking think like that. It's creepy. There's also supposed to be a movie in the works, which I'm not sure if I'm happy about or not.

I'm still watching Let's Plays too. I discovered NintendoCapriSun not too long ago, and wow he makes a lot of videos. Tatsudoshi is currently being my favourite though. Who knew Princess Maker 2 could make for such entertaining videos?

OK, now I'm tired. Time for a few more chapters of Death Bringer, then bed. Later bitches.

Edit: Screw it. I have more to say.

Death Bringer is a really big book. Especially the hardcover version, which is what I have because Skulduggery Pleasant paperback versions don't come out until well after the hardcover versions. I termed it a heffalump, and then called the it literature equivalent of a really fat bloke. It's like picking up a really fat bloke. Then my mind turned to Atlas Shrugged, which by that logic would be like picking up two really fat blokes, then trying to eat them. God help me if I ever try to read that thing.

See, that's how my thought process works. I just start thinking stuff like that. I need to write it down more often.

I do need to read Atlas Shrugged though, because I don't fucking get it. What the hell is objectivism about? How the hell is it supposed to work in a modern society? Doesn't it say with no hint of irony that millions would die and that would be OK? Isn't that kind of sociopathic? Of course I don't think Atlas Shrugged would actually give decent answers to any of that, but then at least I can say I've read the book and I still think objectivism's a load of bullshit. But do I really want to read ~1100 pages of Ayn Rand's bad writing just to say that? Of course I do, but then part of me thinks I could spend that time doing worthwhile things! But then another part of me says I never do any worthwhile things anyway!

I also nearly used the word 'equivocate' there for some reason. Why the hell did I do that? What does equivocation have to do with my rationale for not reading Atlas Shrugged? That's a just a palinism. Is palinism a word? It should be. It's a noun, meaning to misuse or make up big words while trying to sound smart. I just made up a word to describe the process I used to make up that word. Or did I? Do I give a shit about sounding smart right now? My head hurts. Also why the hell did I capitalise it? It's not a proper noun! Now I uncapitalised it! Them! There's two! I'm not correcting any of that now. I'm really going to bed now.

That post just got weirder as I continued, didn't it?
bah you get ideas from random writings like this. I have had many english teachers talk about it. There is a name for it, but I forgot what it's called... anyways it's a form of a rough draft, and a good way to start an essay.
bah you get ideas from random writings like this. I have had many english teachers talk about it. There is a name for it, but I forgot what it's called... anyways it's a form of a rough draft, and a good way to start an essay.

Would the term you're looking for be "free writing", per chance? (Or possibly "stream of consciousness".)
Either way, it rocks. Free writing is something I'll do to kickstart a book I'm writing. It's great for formulating an outline.
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