Starcraft lessons from an AUTHENTIC Korean


New member
Found this to be a bit... well, I'm not sure how I should describe it, but apparently, someone wants to sell his knowledge on Starcraft, to you.

Check out the posting here

I especially Laughed at
Korean girls will be intrigued that you're such a good Starcraft player.
Haha, nice.
You may already be aware, but there really are paid Starcraft pros in S. Korea, btw.

Lately a Korean-American guy in my Go club has spoken of being eager to join the effort to bring that kind of serious Starcraft competition to the U.S. I don't think there's a lot of chance of that kind of Starcraft fervor taking hold here, but he'll probably be all excited about some different cause in a few weeks, anyway. (He's a bit puzzling, in that he has tendency to be very excited and energetic about a particular goal or interest, yet a few months later he'll be all geared about something completely different. He's like a cannon of enthusiasm that has new random target coordinates entered, every so often.)
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It wasn't uncommon to see folks post in their profiles that they'll accept $5 to play a team game with you in Warcraft 3. The obvious goal being that you are on their team and have a better chance to win games. I don't see much of that anymore, though I don't play as frequently and don't really look for it, heh.
I went to a department store in Seoul and they STILL have the Starcraft battlechest (or whatever it's called) for sale at full price (like 30 bucks). And every store is the same. Someone is making a shit ton of money selling Starcraft to Koreans.

(and I'll bet it isn't Blizzard...)
I'm pretty sure Starcraft Battlechests still sells everywhere for somewhere between 15-30 bucks depending on the exchange rate. It's because Starcraft is the best.
Yeah, it is pretty good.

What I mean though is that Starcraft still gets shelf space front-and-center in Korean department stores. Ten years later it is still the most visible game in the shops!
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