SCREENSHOTS of Super Metroid Hack


New member
Alright I know i Know, I said no screen shots, well I meant of Ingame stuff..... I don't want much of my hack leaked, so I chose only 2 rooms to show off, hopefully this'll give you an idea of the kind of hack this is going to be.......


A quick Comparison.... here is the original landing site

And here is the NEW landing site

So, as you can see I'm not screwing around here, and just so you know what kind of hack this is gonna be, check out this pic, it's of the room just left of the new landing site, and in the lower right you will see the ORIGINAL room I edited it from....

Take care all, and I hope this gets you excited!

Alright! Looks like something that could be in the original Super Metroid. I am definitely going to have to play this, it looks like a lot of time has been put into just a few rooms.
He's been working at this hack for a long time... I'm looking forward to playing it.

FYI: There will be little to no ASM work done on this hack, as far as I know. (He said that it will be like a second playthrough, that's longer, with maybe a few twists like increased falling speed.)
Re: INSOMs Stupidity

Why do I go and say "I don't want much leaked" and then you, who only know about (.01%) this much about my hack!??!/ what right do you have to do and givce dissapointing images to a hack I'm speding so much time on? I thought you were cool, and had some common sense, please edit or delete your last post and don't be stupid again, if I want something said, I'll say it myself!
> FYI: There will be little to no ASM work done on this hack,
> as far as I know. (He said that it will be like a second
> playthrough, that's longer, with maybe a few twists like
> increased falling speed.)

I'm sure it will be cool anyway, though hacks with ASM modifications really do stand out in a crowd. Not that it matters, since there's not exactly a crowd of SM hacks anyway.
Re: INSOMs Stupidity

God, I smell something burning in here.<img src=smilies/angryfire.gif> I think you should see a doctor.
Re: INSOMs Stupidity

Insomnia DMX said that you said all those things. Whether it was to him privately or not is a better question.

If it was privately, Insomnia DMX is the one at fault here. Of course, if you announced it on your website (If you have one), then I don't think you should be making stupid comments like "OMG INSOM ISH TEH STOOOP1d!!!!!!!1!!1111"
Re: INSOMs Stupidity

> "OMG INSOM ISH TEH STOOOP1d!!!!!!!1!!1111"

That statement is quite accurate, have no doubt about it.
Re: INSOMs Stupidity

> I was exaggerating...But sure!

Yeah I was over reacting, but 3 hours of sleep and seeing someone leak crap you tell people that is just for them, kinda set me off. My appologies for snapping, I tried editing the post after I sent it, but I reached my limit for editing =P

take care all! sorry for the rude angry post! XD

Re: INSOMs Stupidity

> seeing someone leak crap you tell people that is just for them

So it IS DMX's fault. Hehe, the dummy...<img src=smilies/laff.gif>
I guess I'll take a leak...

Not from Drew's (aka- sigfriedxx's) hack . . . Not actually from my own either . . . Just a leak of what I've been working on, relating to mine:
> I don't want much of my hack leaked

Sorry about leaking, I thought it wasn't much... (All I said was regarding ASM work, and one kind of value edited, it really wasn't as important as some other things I know about ;) )

FYI: I will hereby (after this) ignore anything Atma says or does, including stealing my nick in IRC, I just don't care enough to bother, I have better things to do with my time than listen to his constant bitching.<img src=smilies/flipa.gif>
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