
> I've had a few PM's from some members who would like to
> change the name of "Backroom" to "Let's Flame Danoz" and
> instill Lillymon as the sole mod.
> What do you think?

I... I... just can't help it! <img src=smilies/cry.gif>

Though having said that, he does bring much of it on himself. I think there's a lot of legitimate frustration with his debating technique, so that's probably where much of the antagonism stems from. That and the fact that the little liberal/fascist cabal we have going here just doesn't like detractors from our crazy leftie agenda.

<P ID="signature"></p><P ID="edit"><FONT class="small">Edited by thegodofhellfire on 08/06/04 04:41 PM.</FONT></P>
> What do you think?

I think there should be a nude picture of Katie Holmes in that empty space in your post. <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>

<P ID="signature">
> I've had a few PM's from some members who would like to
> change the name of "Backroom" to "Let's Flame Danoz" and
> instill Lillymon as the sole mod.
> What do you think?

Ahahahahaha! I just laughed for like 10 minutes straight! <img src=smilies/laff.gif>

<P ID="signature">http://www.xanga.com/ZeldaDD

> I've had a few PM's from some members who would like to
> change the name of "Backroom" to "Let's Flame Danoz" and
> instill Lillymon as the sole mod.
> What do you think?

<P ID="signature">

"Kupo, motherfucker!! DO YOU SPEAK IT!?"</P>
I can't explain it, but for some reason, I want to give that woman a nose job.

<P ID="signature">The more often you fail, the sweeter the taste of success!</P>
> That would be anarchy! :o Do it and let's see what happens.

thinking about it, it would be amusing, you gotta admit.

<P ID="signature"><hr>
Ludvuck Foruk: Thats your first problem...thinking your a panda...
sephiroth111: and once again, i am totally confused as to whats going on.</P>
> I've had a few PM's from some members who would like to
> change the name of "Backroom" to "Let's Flame Danoz" and
> instill Lillymon as the sole mod.
> What do you think?

Just "accidently" delete the forum. <img src=smilies/laff.gif>

<P ID="signature">
> But.. but...

Aw you're no fun at all.
<img src=smilies/laff.gif>

<P ID="signature"><a href=&"http://www.xanga.com/ZeldaDD">
> Sorry, but he's right on that one Flash.

<P ID="signature">_________________________________________________________________

'' What kind of freedom is bought with a gun ? '' - Bruce Dickinson </P>
> And you're obviously someone who's smarter than the rest of
> us, aren't you? Thank you for pointing that out. I promise
> not to have fun in this category again.

Damn, dude, calm down, he was just joking around.

<P ID="signature">
> I've had a few PM's from some members who would like to
> change the name of "Backroom" to "Let's Flame Danoz" and
> instill Lillymon as the sole mod.
> What do you think?

Now if only you'd thought of that on the 31st of March, and just gone ahead and done it without asking anyone. Ah well, I'm sure you'll be able to top it. <img src=smilies/cwm11.gif>

<P ID="signature"></P>
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