Nintender v0.001 Alpha


Senior Member
This is a new Nintendo emulator never released before, and an incomplete one. The following note is released when downloading from the website:

This is a Nintendo emulator I wrote in C# in November-December 2007. It is very incomplete. Controls work. Sound is not working. Scrolling is not supported right now. Almost all games that don't use a mapper load and show their demo or title screen at least. Several are somewhat playable.

This was mainly a learning experience for me. I had never written an emulator before, never written a game before, and I had never worked with assembly code before. If anyone needs any help debugging some 6502 assembly code send me an e-mail ;)

The emulator is very fast and runs between 120-180fps per second on my laptop. With the video turned off it goes fast enough to render 600+ fps.

I am going to try to finish this up now when I have some free time. If anyone wants to help shoot me a message.

Grab it here or visit the emulator's homepage.
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