new title


New member
my new title is the name of the pirate i play in a play i a doing for school called treasure island. is it ok?
<P ID="signature"><marquee>Fous le camp.</marquee></P>
> my new title is the name of the pirate i play in a play i a
> doing for school called treasure island. is it ok?
No, it is most certainly not. And it never will be.
<P ID="signature">--------------------------------------------------------------------------
I have a better idea.
How about "n00b the idi0t"?
Think it over.

<img src=smilies/laff.gif><img src=smilies/laff.gif><img src=smilies/laff.gif><img src=smilies/laff.gif><img src=smilies/laff.gif><img src=smilies/laff.gif><img src=smilies/laff.gif>
<P ID="signature"><img src=>
too fast</P>
> I have a better idea.
> How about "n00b the idi0t"?
> Think it over.
<img src=smilies/werd.gif>
<P ID="signature">--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > I have a better idea.
> > How about "n00b the idi0t"?
> > Think it over.
> >
So Venom, any other classic literary characters you would like to rape the memory of for me?
<P ID="signature"></P>
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