I'm in real bad shape


New member
I haven't slept in 31 hours. I have this lump in my throat that will not go away. I went to my doctors yesterday and he said I didn't reinjure my old hernia and it must be my nerves because of the whole job thing.

The thing is though, everything hurts in my abdominal area and that lump in my throat, it's like there's something there that I can't clear out. That plus pains from my stomach and back are making me lose sleep.

More than likely I will be going into the hospital tonight, because something is definately wrong and I need it fixed. I don't know how much more my body can take. I know I can't stay up another day.

It's been cool here and all, but if ya'll don't see me around here for awhile it's because I'm laid up in the hospital or something more severe.

Later people.

<P ID="signature">
> I haven't slept in 31 hours. I have this lump in my throat
> that will not go away. I went to my doctors yesterday and he
> said I didn't reinjure my old hernia and it must be my
> nerves because of the whole job thing.

If it will make you feel any better, I had a pretty bad throat sickness near the end of my last semester of college. It robbed me of 3 out of 4 straight days of sleep during the week before finals, when I had 3 very important tests that I absolutely bombed because I couldn't think straight. Long story short, I now have a pretty good full time job because of it. You never know what's around the corner.

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Thanks everybody.

Well turns out I'm Koo Koo for Cocopuff's.

Yep, I'm out of my mind. All the pain and everything stems from being upset over the whole job thing. At tleast that's what the guy at the hospital told me.

It was funny. They took X-Ray's and shit to see if there was anything wrong with my throat because of the lump and I'm laying in a bed waiting for the doctor to come tell me something's wrong and he come's in and says, "Great news. You're completely healthy." I was like, "I don't want to hear that cuz I feel like shit."

So they gave me Xanax to keep me straight and told me to take Pepcid AC to keep the acid in my stomach down. I did get about 10 hours of sleep after taking the Xanax and I doubt I'll take it again unless I can't sleep because that shit will dominate you if you get hooked on it.

Guess that means I'm back. Thanks to everyone for your kind words in both this post and my post about getting fired.

<P ID="signature">
I'm glad you're okay.
Man, don't let the job thing eat at ya like that. I reacted differently. Ulcers. Believe me, you're lucky.
You'll be okay. Just don't let it bother you. Buttmunches like that get what's coming to 'em.
Glad you're okay.

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