FFTA specific tools...


New member
Hello. I am Darthatron. I am a ROM hacker and a programmer. I recently (last night) opened up FFTA and decided I wanted to add some of the newer classes (from FFT:A2) to the game. So I googled for some tools, found nothing. Googled for some tutorials, found nothing. Googled for some documents, found nothing. So now I will start doing some research myself, but if anyone has any data (offsets and tables) that may help please PM it to me or something.

If you don't already have me added on MSN feel free to add me: darthatron@darthatron.com

I will keep you informed of any progress in here... Discuss?

Current Projects:
  • Sprite Editor

The sprites seem to start at 0x0069B89C and begin with the human soldier. The data is 320 bytes long (2 blocks wide and 5 blocks high). They are in a very odd order (7, 9, 8, 10, 3, 5, 4, 6, 1, 2) which is just annoying... My bet would be that there is a tile-map.

pic: http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9525/confusion.png you will need to zoom in. Sorry if it makes no sense, I am lazy. ^_^
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Data Crystal has some information about FFTA. Oddly enough, it appears that both Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX) and FFTA2 have hack utilities developed for them, but not the original GBA version.
Thanks. I've already been looking around Data Crystal and that helped make a table file, but that's about it. I do like the looks of that scripting database too, I think it that will help later.

Does anyone have any info on sprites, though?

(about to edit first post)

Does anyone know where I can get a list of base stats for all races/classes?

Have fun with these:
Pointers to Class Names: 0x00526680
Class Name Start: 0x0052336C
Battle Sprite Start: 0x0069B89C
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<jedi-mind-trick>You don't care that I double posted because the information is valuable and the posts are 9 days apart.</jedi-mind-trick>


I have updated the data crystal page and will be updating it more over the next few days. I'll be making the current pages easier to read as well, so stay tuned.

I added this page yesterday.

EDIT: Thanks to the guy who added the original data to the data crystal page I had added some data regarding maps.
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I think that those are offset values, meaning that you have to click search, goto offset, and then enter those values (In windhex, other hex editors will have a similar method).

They correspond to those hex values on the left section of your hex editor.
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