Favorite Comic Book Characters.

I know, this is a nerdy topic, but what the hell.

6: Deathrstroke the Terminator

This guy is pretty much the anti-Batman, he even has a kick ass butler who's proficient with automatic weapons.

5 : Magneto

I always thought the comic/90's animated series versions of Magneto were interesting. Even though he was a villain, he always seemed to believe what he was doing was the right thing.

4 : Hush

If you haven't read the Hush story arc yet, I won't ruin anything for you. Needless to say, he's a bad ass.

3: Ra's Al Ghul

Ra's Al Ghul, "The Demon's Head", is one of the most prolific bad guys in Batman comics. He's higly intelligent, an adept fighter, and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Probably the best story arcs around him would be the graphic novels "Birth of the Demon" and "Son of the Demon".

2: Batman/The Joker

Batman is one of the greatest fictional detectives of all time, second to Sherlock Holmes. He uses logic and skill to take down his enemies.

The Joker, however, is the exact opposite. He's intelligent, he just uses disorder and chaos to confuse the hell out of his enemies, and sometimes his own crew. He is easily the greatest Batman villain of all time.

1: Lobo

"The Main Man", "The Maximum Dude". By far the most bad ass character in the world of comics. He can kick anyone's ass and can never die, because he was kicked out of Heaven and Hell when he kicked everyone's asses in both (See Lobo's Back 1-4).
The best issues of him would be.. well... All of them, he kicks ass in everything he's in.

<P ID="signature">--------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is gonna be short.

5. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan). One of the best GL's and a great character.

4.Elongated Man (Ralph Dibny) Better detective than ol' pointy ears.

3.Booster Gold. Always been one of my favorites.

2.Green Lantern (Guy Gardner) The guy rocks.

1.The Flash (Barry Allen) Always been my favorite. (Bart's kinda growin' on me too.)
<P ID="signature"><img src=http://www.elazulspad.net/ubbthreads/attachments/14841-avatar.jpg>
too fast</P>
> 1.The Flash (Barry Allen) Always been my favorite. (Bart's
> kinda growin' on me too.)

I could never have guessed.

<P ID="signature">

I thought of a few others that always stood out as great characters.

Juggernaut, Iron Man, Galactus devourer of worlds, Eon the living planet, Wolverine, Dr Strange, and finally Darkseid *this guy rules*. <img src=smilies/cwm11.gif>
<P ID="signature">Get off your ass and do it because it isn't going to happen on it's own no matter how much you wish it would.</P>
I was going to reply to you motherfuckers stating what a bunch of nerds you are, until I realized that I was doing it on an emulation message board. :(
<P ID="signature"><hr />of07</P>
Spawn. Up until issue #80, he was more often than not being an asshole worsening his own situation. Later on, he bceame very bland, and way too epic and out of character for my tastes.
<P ID="signature">_- | -_
> I know, this is a nerdy topic, but what the hell.

I'm going to assume non-Japanese, otherwise Kira/Light and L from Death Note would probably top the list.

Some of my favorites would include Gambit (even though he can be a real ass), Batman, Spiderman, Onslaught (what a great idea for a villain), Wolverine, and....Magneto.
<P ID="signature">http://www.xanga.com/ZeldaDD

In the post there is a cow...</a></P>
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