emergency at my karate class


Active member
Tonight I was doing testing at my karate class, when suddenly one of the adult students who was standing off to the side drops to the ground right onto cement.

He was a very large man, 6' 2" or so, 300 pounds. Anyways he drops to the floor in the middle of class, suddenly everything stops and goes quiet. Two of the teachers run over to him, and a couple students who had emergency training ran over as well. He had a pulse, and was breathing but wasn't responsive. One of the teachers ran to the phone and called 911, and while we waited for the ambulance to get there they pushed the rest of us off to the other side of the room and the guys with training gave care to the victim.

After 5 minutes or so the ambulance arrived and paramedics rushed over to him with all this equiment. They ripped off his gi top, and kept asking "how old is this man?", "has he had heart problems before?", and "has he ever complained about chest pains?". By that time he had stopped breathing, and they had to start administering CPR. They had all this equiment spread out on the floor. They gave him an IV, and one of the guys was holding the bag of fluid over him. Some of the younger kids starting crying, and the teachers had to comfort them. Oh, and the guy's SON was in the class at the time, so he was with him the entire time.

Then after 20 minutes or so the wife ran in screaming "NO! NO! NO!". She and the guy's daughter had come very quickly after being called with the news. My head teacher hugged her and let her cry for a while. Then the son, daughter, and wife huddled up together and started crying. Then the paramedics took out the heart monitor and hooked it up to him, and looked at his pulse. I think he had one again by then, because there were spikes and dips in the line. After that they brought in one of those bench rolling thingies and put him on it, and rolled him outside into the ambulance. The family ran out to drive to the hospital to see him. I think I heard he had just had heart surgery recently. Obviously, we didn't resume class afterwards. The teachers told us to get our stuff and go home. He was only 46.

I sure hope he's ok, but it didn't look good. Both the son and daughter go to my high school. I don't know what I'll say to them next time I see them if their dad dies. Jeez, and the thing was I was completely calm the entire time. "It's life, what can you do? Shit happens." was running through my mind the other time. Still, it was powerful stuff.

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http://www.bc9s.com/slein/funco/The Funco Files</a>
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.</p>
whoah... that must have been really upsetting. And the family must be going through hell.

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Normally I don't post in this section because the lives of other people are not my business, at least not in here. But something caught my attention.

I think I heard he had just had heart surgery recently.

If this is true, then going to do heavy exercise, like Karate, was probably a very irresponsible thing to do. Heart problems are serious - what was he thinking? I do feel sorry for the guy's family, he just should've thought better than to go back if he was still recovering from that surgery.

Then again, I'm probably saying this because I don't know the guy. *shrugs*

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<font face="Verdana" size=1>Kitsune's Den</Font></center></P>
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