Does this look infected?

> I refuse drugs of any sort unless it's absolutely imperitive
> that I take them.
> In the long-term I think it'd be
> healthier to let my body deal with such things than to let
> it become dependent on ingested antibiotics and such.

I'm generally the same way. It's disturbing to see people just popping pills for every minor problem they have. All the big scare over bacteria in the air "onoes! Gotta get fucking lysol sanitizing spray because my kid sneezed then touched the door handle!!!!". It's ridiculous. America is generally a big pussy about such issues, and I totally understand (and agree with) your stance for wanting to resist that lifestyle.

But really -- there are limits. You can suffer for months with a nasty infection like the one you've got, and risk it turning into something very serious. Or you could go to the doctor, get a shot, and be 100% better in a few days. I mean it's not like the doc is going to dope you up or anything, he's just going to kill the infection and clean up the wound.

I say go to the doc. You won't regret it afterwards.
<P ID="signature"></P>
> I've considered seeing a doctor about it, but I've been sick
> lately and haven't had the energy to go see one. Plus I'm an
> ascetic and refuse all help unless it's a matter of life and
> death. But does it look bad enough to warrant medical
> attention?

If you're that effin worried about it, go see a goddamn doctor. It'll take less than an hour (in most cases) and then you know if it's infected or not, and probably get some kind of fucking medicine for it.
<img src=smilies/banghead.gif>
<P ID="signature"><hr width=75%>
Get a bucket of acetone and plunge your wrist into it. It may hurt like fuck but I guarantee it'll kill any infection and cauterize the wound.

worked when i cut off the tip of my left ring finger

<P ID="signature">

Optimus Christ, Saviour in Disguise</P>
> Get a bucket of acetone and plunge your wrist into it. It
> may hurt like fuck but I guarantee it'll kill any infection
> and cauterize the wound.

This actually could work. I'm sure he's already taken care of it, but if you can't afford a doctor or something, it could be an option in the case of an infection.

Make sure, even if the bottle says 100% acetone, that it doesn't have Bitrex (Denatonium Benzoate) in it though, which is notable for being the most bitter substance on Earth and probably would make the acetone burning even worse.
<P ID="signature"></P>
> Get a bucket of acetone and plunge your wrist into it. It
> may hurt like fuck but I guarantee it'll kill any infection
> and cauterize the wound.

Cut a nasty hunk of skin off of my finger on the treater *prepreg maker* and the guys told me to just put my finger in the 5 gallons bucket of acetone. They didn't mention any pain from this and I was new. Well through the plate glass and over the sound of a 120 dbl machine and in another plate glass enclosed room 30 ft from me they heart my scream. Yeah just one, it lasted close to 5 seconds and was louder than fuck but it was good for a laugh. Sure broke up the boredom of that 12 hr shift for me. <img src=smilies/cwm11.gif>
<P ID="signature">Get off your ass and do it because it isn't going to happen on it's own no matter how much you wish it would.</P>
Yep, the pain sucks but its better than having your finger or hand rot off slowly over a period of time.

<P ID="signature">

Optimus Christ, Saviour in Disguise</P>
> Yep, the pain sucks but its better than having your finger
> or hand rot off slowly over a period of time.
Hell yeah, no questioning that logic. <img src=smilies/cwm11.gif>
<P ID="signature">Get off your ass and do it because it isn't going to happen on it's own no matter how much you wish it would.</P>
> Iodine works too and it's probably easier to find and
> cheaper. Stings like a bitch though.

iodine won't cauterize which is the main point of the acetone
<P ID="signature">

Optimus Christ, Saviour in Disguise</P>
> iodine won't cauterize which is the main point of the
> acetone

He said stings like a bitch, if he tried the acetone instead he'ld think the sting from iodine was nothing compared to it. <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>
<P ID="signature">Get off your ass and do it because it isn't going to happen on it's own no matter how much you wish it would.</P>
> He said stings like a bitch, if he tried the acetone instead
> he'ld think the sting from iodine was nothing compared to
> it.

The pain of acetone is really impossible to describe.

<P ID="signature">

Optimus Christ, Saviour in Disguise</P>
> The pain of acetone is really impossible to describe.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<img src=smilies/retard.gif> I think my eye pooped
out from the screaming.

I think that would be pretty close. <img src=smilies/laff.gif>
<P ID="signature">Get off your ass and do it because it isn't going to happen on it's own no matter how much you wish it would.</P>
> However, I can't even begin to imagine why you chose the diaries
> section of a classic video game emulation forum to ask this
> question about your physical health.... it's like going to
> the ER with an romhacking question ;).

I currently have no insurance. This was the next best thing.
<P ID="signature"></P>

After looking again at the pic I first posted, I'm wondering why I didn't go to see a doctor back then. I figure I'm either very lucky to have survived it without permanent damage, or I'm just incredibly manly and rugged. In either case, my arm is still in one piece.

Some updated pics... week</a> - The scab fell off and exposed the layer of skin underneath. Was rather painful. minutes ago</a> - After a scabby relapse, the skin finally began to close up. Feels much better now.

Thanks everyone for your concern for my well being. I just might heed your advice next time. <img src=smilies/thumb.gif> Less'n, of course, I decide to continue being an ignorant bastard.
<P ID="signature"></P>
Re: Update

The skin closing up just means the eggs have started incubating. You need to cut off your arm at the elbow in the next 6 to 8 weeks before they hatch. If you wake up and feel your stomach gurgle, DON'T MOVE.
<P ID="signature"><font size="-2">I wish this song was louder.</font></P>
Re: Update

Keep some Neosporin on that thing until it's all healed up. It'll also help keep it from scarring too much worse.
<P ID="signature"></P>
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