Bush is the new Sid Vicious!


New member
During the 2000 campaign, Tucker Carlson -- the sexually ambiguous, bow-tie wearing conservative -- quoted a rather salty Bush in a Talk magazine story published in September 1999:

"What do rich businessmen say when the man they have just given money to tells them that getting rich isn't a noble pursuit? Bush doesn't even wait for me to finish the question. "I don't care. I really don't care. Does anyone ever say 'Fuck you'? I don't care if they do."
"They think it's like a high school election, where if you beat up your opponent enough you can win. They've lost their fucking minds."
(Courtesy of Ron Davis)

For example, last year Karla Baye Tucker, a double murderess was executed. Under Bush, Texas has held an execution on the average of one every two and a half weeks. George tells Carlson that he watched the Larry King interview with Tucker while she was on death row. Bush says, "(King) asked her real difficult questions like, 'What would you say to Governor Bush?'" "What was her answer?" Carlson asks. Bush "whimpers, his lips pursed in mock desperation....Please...don't kill me," Bush says, pretending to be Karla Baye Tucker. "I must (have) looked shocked," Carlson writes, "ridiculing the pleas of a condemned prisoner who has since been executed seems odd and cruel, even for someone as militantly anticrime as Bush--because he immediately stops smirking."
(Courtesy of BushWatch)

Just reminding everyone what a huge asshole this guy is. Thanks Amerika, for voting for him again you dumbasses.

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"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mahatma Gandhi</P>
I'd like to get a real, nonbiased, third-party source before I pass judgment on this one.

<P ID="signature">:D!</P>
A none biased view of Bush? He's like Marmite - you either love him or hate him. I've all but given up listening to commentary about Bush - if we all ignore Bush he might go away.
Poor old Sid will be spinning in his grave, probably.

<P ID="signature"></P>
> Thanks Amerika, for voting for him again you dumbasses.

Here's a thought... Fuck You.
You've done little more than piss me off since you got here. Spell AMERICA right, asshole. Oh, and if you are gonna call Americans dumbasses, why not go up to an American and say it to his face, rather than posting it on a message board, you gutless peice of shit. <img src=smilies/angryfire.gif>

<P ID="signature">
. Oh, and if you are gonna call
> Americans dumbasses, why not go up to an American and say it
> to his face, rather than posting it on a message board, you
> gutless peice of shit.

Hmm, I do that all the time. Go up to a certain american friend of mine and call him a dumbass!

<P ID="signature"><center>
<IMG SRC = "http://www.angelfire.com/droid/google/temp.txt">
<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

Here's a thought... Fuck You.
You've done little more than piss me off since you got here.
Spell AMERICA right, asshole. Oh, and if you are gonna call
Americans dumbasses, why not go up to an American and say it
to his face, rather than posting it on a message board, you
gutless peice of shit.


I'm an American myself, so when I call Amerika dumbasses myself i obviously included. I would be most happy to tell any American that they are dumbasses for allowing this guy to get elected, and I do daily. :p

<P ID="signature">------------

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mahatma Gandhi</P>
> ...So who does that make Sid Vicious then?
Uhm.....He's dead.........

(I'm talking about the punk not the wrestler)

<P ID="signature">------------

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mahatma Gandhi</P>
Dumbasses exist all over the world. Where I used to live in Lincolnshire many of the southern state US stereotypes can apply to the people there. Pah, you think you're so great because you have rednecks, well we're much better because we have charvers. Ner. <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>

<P ID="signature"></P>
> and I do daily. :p

over an internet message board. You don't go outside and say, "American's are dumbasses" infront of a bunch of people.

<P ID="signature">
> over an internet message board. You don't go outside and
> say, "American's are dumbasses" infront of a bunch of
> people.

Lol, you obviously don't know me. Wish I had a webcam I'd show you right now. <img src=smilies/flipa.gif><img src=smilies/moon.gif><img src=smilies/flipa.gif>

Anyways, think what you will of me. If anyone who thinks Americans are dumbasses for allowing this fool to get elected again lets you sleep at night go right ahead. You are an American of course, that's what we do.

<P ID="signature">------------

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mahatma Gandhi</P>
> > Thanks 51% of Amerika who actually fucking voted, for voting for him
> > again you dumbasses.
> There...fixed it for you. Some of us didn't vote for the
> guy you know.
Fixed for you. ^^

<P ID="signature">Are you doing nothing? Or something?</P>
> There...fixed it for you. Some of us didn't vote for the
> guy you know.

Hey, you democrats and independants picked a shitty guy to run against him. kerry omg

<P ID="signature">------------

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mahatma Gandhi</P>
> Hey, you democrats and independants picked a shitty guy to
> run against him. kerry omg

wtf do the independants have to do with Kerry being chosen!?
I am independant, Libertarian. Michael Badnarik was a better candidate than both bush and kerry.

<P ID="signature">
> Hey, you democrats and independants picked a shitty guy to
> run against him. kerry omg

I agree and didn't vote for him either. If I had my way, McCain would have been president in 2000! I didn't like any of the candidates much, but I voted for Edwards in the primaries, and I bet if he had been a more experienced politician (as in a senator for a longer period of time, more well-known, etc.), he would have beaten Kerry.

I still hope that one day, the 2-party system will be scrapped for something that works. The problem is: what works? Money has and always will buy elections. We will pretty much always be deciding between a bunch of idiots the rich puts forth for us to pick for president. Rarely does a good candidate for president come along.

<P ID="signature"><center><img src=http://www.crooky.us/1.jpg>
| - <a href=http://www.ladderpoker.com>LadderPoker |</center></P>
> I am independant, Libertarian. Michael Badnarik was a better
> candidate than both bush and kerry.

If you independants would've chosen Kerry the democrats couldn't have chosen him and may've chosen someone who didn't suck and actually had a chance in hell.

<P ID="signature">------------

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mahatma Gandhi</P>
Cheney is the new Joey Ramone!


<P ID="signature">----
"And dreams may come
That are everlasting
Though all just plastic too..." </P>
> If you independants would've chosen Kerry the democrats
> couldn't have chosen him and may've chosen someone who
> didn't suck and actually had a chance in hell.

That's the most retarded thing I have ever heard. You cannot be serious. And if you are, that you truly are a dumbass.

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