Big City Beer?

Viewtiful Bob

New member
Has anybody else EVER heard of Big City Ice beer? I seen it in my dad's fridge last night when I went to his place for the game... and that's the first time I've ever seen it... and I'm wondering if this was something my dad may have brewed in his basement...
<P ID="signature"><img src=></P>
> Don't know if it's from your dad's basement or not, but
> according to this, that's some pretty lackluster brew.

lmao, that's probably why there was a sticker on the 24 oz. can that said "5 for $4."
<P ID="signature"><img src=></P>
> Has anybody else EVER heard of Big City Ice beer? I seen it
> in my dad's fridge last night when I went to his place for
> the game... and that's the first time I've ever seen it...
> and I'm wondering if this was something my dad may have
> brewed in his basement...

Heh, there's tons of shitty beers that we people with no money seek out that most people don't even know about, especially malts, starting with the relatively common and well known Magnum and King Cobra, then going to the higher-gravity, 8.0%+ brews like Steel Reserve and Old English 800 and only getting scarier from there...
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This has brought back fond memories of Genesee Beer, a.k.a. 'Genny'

> Heh, there's tons of shitty beers that we people with no
> money seek out that most people don't even know about,
> especially malts, starting with the relatively common and
> well known Magnum and King Cobra, then going to the
> higher-gravity, 8.0%+ brews like Steel Reserve and Old
> English 800 and only getting scarier from there...
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King Cobra is FANTASTIC.

I only wish there was a Cobra beer so I could say, "well, at least I'm drinking King Cobra."
<P ID="signature">
> King Cobra is FANTASTIC.
> I only wish there was a Cobra beer so I could say, "well, at
> least I'm drinking King Cobra."

Heh, if you like malt liquor, have you ever seen this anywhere? I've been keeping my ear to the ground, looking for this one:</A>

I did the math and assuming 1 beer is 3.5% alcohol, that's 9.5238095238 beers in one bottle. NINE AND A HALF BEERS. HOLY SHIT.
<P ID="signature"></P>
> I did the math and assuming 1 beer is 3.5% alcohol, that's
> 9.5238095238 beers in one bottle. NINE AND A HALF BEERS.

Oh... yeees! Finally!! A 40 oz. that can get me drunk without buying multiple bottles!!
<P ID="signature"><img src=></P>
> I did the math and assuming 1 beer is 3.5% alcohol, that's
> 9.5238095238 beers in one bottle. NINE AND A HALF BEERS.

um aren't most beers 5% alcohol by volume?
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