Belmont's Revenge Speed Hack

Sliver X

New member
Tonight (Morning?), I finally traced routines enough to track down the speed index for Christoper in Belmont's Revenge. He now moves roughly twice as fast, though I didn't mess with the rope climbing speed (I think it actually makes sense to be slow doing that).

Despite this being released after the CV - Legends hack I did, I've been working on this for like two weeks now (My first foray into the world of z80 hacking).

Anyway, on to the</a>.

There are three patches in the archive: One for the US Gameboy Mono game, another for Konami Collection 3 (A Super Gameboy enhanced compilation of GB Konami games), and finally one for Konami GB Collection Volume 4, the European GBC enhanced compilation.

So with this, the Legends hack I did, and <a href=>hiro112's Castlevania Adventure hack</a>, I believe all the Gameboy CV games no longer suck.

Enjoy. This'll probably be the last time I touch z80 again. ;)
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A fellow by the name of Serio ran through the game with the speed hack, and noticed that you couldn't avoid getting hit by spikes when dropping into the boss area of the Plant Castle (Due to moving *too* fast). I've fixed this in all three patches, and added a patch for Dracula Densetsu II.

The zip has been updated, but the link is the same.
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