Bahamut Lagoon SaveStates


New member
Hey, my copy of BL had a bad checksum so I got a new ROM and patched it myself. Obviously this ruined the save state I had, so does anyone have or know where to get some chapter specific save states for BL for ZSnes? I don't feel like truding through all I've beaten again.....

<P ID="signature">------------

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mahatma Gandhi</P>
> Hey, my copy of BL had a bad checksum so I got a new ROM and
> patched it myself. Obviously this ruined the save state I
> had, so does anyone have or know where to get some chapter
> specific save states for BL for ZSnes? I don't feel like
> truding through all I've beaten again.....

Hm, isn' t there a way to save mid-battle in BL? Haven't played it in awhile, but if you could save your progress in the SRAM you could easily just continue on from where you left off.

<P ID="signature">

Glargel blarg rargle! (Go to my weblog!)
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