Anti-social Personality Disorder

> Sticking my dick in the pancake batter at IHOP

Photoshop please?
<P ID="signature">
> Is there such a thing as female/male pancake batter?

<center><img src=>
Apparently, there is</center>
<P ID="signature"></P>
> > Sticking my dick in the pancake batter at IHOP
> Maybe you're bi-curious?

Yeth, maybe that ith it.
<P ID="signature"></P>
> > Sticking my dick in the pancake batter at IHOP
> Maybe you're bi-curious?

Like JadussD, I believe in past lives. So it's quite possible I was a woman in a previous existence.

that being said, I see no point in homosexuality for myself and the propagation of my kind.

My GF and I have a little daughter and may have more kids. Couldn't do that if I was gay, especially when wanting to raise the kids with the 2 parents they spawned from.

As for BI, I never really understood that. Choose a team!
<P ID="signature">
> As for BI, I never really understood that. Choose a team!

You'd think so, but the idea of gender is simply an idea created by the binary opposition of "male" and "female", which is only a distinction made by language. In truth, gender is only a spectrum. Every female has male qualities, and every male has female qualities. So to say that someone is "male" or "female" is limiting, in that they have characteristics of each within each "gender". The concept of "male" and "female" are actually obsolete now that reproducing does more harm to the world than good. So, we can discard notions of gender in the hopes of creating a new hermaphrodite race of individuals with personalities that are by default balanced between what are now considered female and male characteristics, so they don't have the personality imbalance caused by being "male" or "female" exclusively.
<P ID="signature"></P>
> In truth, gender is only a spectrum. Every female has male
> qualities, and every male has female qualities. So to say that
> someone is "male" or "female" is limiting, in that they have
> characteristics of each within each "gender".

I have to agree on that, personally. I've never attached much importance to gender myself, aside from whatever part of it affects your personality. I kinda disagree with... umm... the parts about discarding gender entirely, creating perfect balance between male and female (be it personality or physical characteristics you're referring to), and having only one gender causing a "personality imbalance," though. I mean, variety is fun, you know? It's what makes the world interesting, and although I completely think it sucks when somebody is miserable because they were born transsexual, I don't think gender is necessarily a limiting thing.

And for the record, I am bisexual (and, well, female) myself. That's just the way I feel about things-- I'm just attracted to males and females. Period. I think it's weird that there seem to be people that understand ONLY being bi or ONLY being gay, but not both... But hey, I don't really mind that people don't really understand either state, as long as they aren't prejudiced against people because of it. Heck, some people who THINK they're one sexual orientation don't actually understand whether they are or not, but that's for them to work out for themselves. Heck, orientation is another spectrum, separate from gender, too. =)

I would say that this discussion is getting off-topic, but then again the first post's actual TEXT was about sticking your dick and pancakes (and created by the person I'm replying to), so... <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>
<P ID="signature">--
Yes, I'm female, gaming is my hobby, and I'm going into programming. Not taken, either, but seeing as how the law about girls on the internet is "Single, attractive, sane: choose two"... well...</P>
> I have to agree on that, personally. I've never attached
> much importance to gender myself, aside from whatever part
> of it affects your personality. I kinda disagree with...
> umm... the parts about discarding gender entirely, creating
> perfect balance between male and female (be it personality
> or physical characteristics you're referring to), and having
> only one gender causing a "personality imbalance," though. I
> mean, variety is fun, you know? It's what makes the world
> interesting, and although I completely think it sucks when
> somebody is miserable because they were born transsexual, I
> don't think gender is necessarily a limiting thing.

Well, I suppose having the full spectrum might be more interesting. However, there is the definite conflict caused by people denying either their masculine or feminine halves, which is the source of all manner of stupidity and conflict. You can't really relate to someone if you're missing the half of you that they would correspond it's a tricky thing. It should be like Yin and Yang, there being masculinity in the feminine and femininity in the masculine, but it doesn't work that way too often. The last 3100 years or so have been about male domination; females are only getting a hold of how to assert themselves since maybe the beginning of the 20th century. It's a tricky situation...
<P ID="signature"></P>
> Well, I suppose having the full spectrum might be more
> interesting. However, there is the definite conflict caused
> by people denying either their masculine or feminine halves,
> which is the source of all manner of stupidity and conflict.

Ohhh, I definitely agree with you there. It's pretty ridiculous what happens due to machismo or... whatever the female equivalent would be. Obsessing over people not thinking you're "pretty" (gag) enough, I suppose. Preventable accidents and anorexia/bulimia FTL.

> You can't really relate to someone if you're missing the half of
> you that they would correspond it's a tricky thing.

Well, yes, in a sense... On the other hand, I don't know that either gender (or even a genderless person) could possibly truly understand anywhere near every trait typically attached to the opposite gender, no matter how "in touch" with that side of them they are, if only 'cause... well... each gender can physically do things the others cannot, without question, do. Pregnancy, anyone? <img src=smilies/thumb.gif> And heck, I don't know that anybody can actually understand all the traits attached to their OWN gender, heheh. But I do think that people can RELATE to these things in some way ("Owww, that must be miserable!") if they try hard enough, though.
I suppose that I personally think that a gender is mostly what you make it yourself. For example, people could know they're male, but run around in frilly skirts all day because that's just... what they like to do. Of course, that's kinda a silly example to most people, but it works. =)

> It should be like Yin and Yang, there being
> masculinity in the feminine and femininity in the masculine,
> but it doesn't work that way too often.

I dunno, I think it depends on the groups you associate with these days. At least within the group of people I know, regardless of whether I like them or not, there seems to be a wider acceptance of these traits... or maybe they just see some traits that could be classified within one side or another as more genderless? (Of course, despite this, a lot of them still have troubles with people's sexualities, but that's a whooole other issue, as related as this topic is. One step at a time?) But naturally, there are whole COUNTRIES that have trouble with gender equality-- ignoring the issue of sexuality entirely-- at the moment, so it's still an issue... But hopefully my experience, since I'm probably younger than most people here, indicates a LITTLE bit of a positive trend on that? I dunno, I'm mildly optimistic. =D
<P ID="signature">--
Yes, I'm female, gaming is my hobby, and I'm going into programming. Not taken, either, but seeing as how the law about girls on the internet is "Single, attractive, sane: choose two"... well...</P>
> I mean't to have sex with, not in terms of scope or
> perspective; balance. but yeah, i guess the everyone in the
> world should just masterbate everyone.

<P ID="signature"></P>
> You'd think so, but the idea of gender is simply an idea
> created by the binary opposition of "male" and "female",
> which is only a distinction made by language.

Um. It's also a distinction of the reproductive organs present on your body.
<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10>
> Um. It's also a distinction of the reproductive organs
> present on your body.

Yes, but haven't you ever heard of men with "witches milk"? Or how about a girl with no tits and a big clit with penile-looking characteristics? It's simply a spectrum of people from "extremely male" to "extremely female". At one point of the spectrum, the male becomes more male than female, but still retains many female characteristics, and ditto for females.
<P ID="signature"></P>
> Um. It's also a distinction of the reproductive organs
> present on your body.

My rather scientific definition of gender (or, more accurately, sex) is defined by the Y chromosome. If you have at least one, you're male. If not, you're female.

If you're wondering about the slightly odd wording, I came to it while</a></a></a>.

Edit: I kept going, and found even more stuff.

It's possible to have males</a> or XY females. In the former case this is because the</a> (Sex-determining Y Region) moves onto an X chromosome, while the latter case has a defective or missing SRY.

But then it gets even more complicated in subjects with a 46XY karyotype (a male karyotype) but full insensitivity syndrome</a>. In this case, the subject has a male karyotype and generates testosterone, but the body doesn't react to testosterone at all. The result is a nearly normal female body, but with incomplete female sexual organs and undescended testes.

It's all very complicated...
<P ID="signature"><marquee direction="left" scrollamount="8">
!luos ruoy tae lliw stelek ehT</P><P ID="edit"><FONT class="small">Edited by Lillymon on 08/14/07 11:49 PM.</FONT></P>
> My rather scientific definition of gender (or, more
> accurately, sex) is defined by the Y chromosome. If you have
> at least one, you're male. If not, you're female.

I guess that's the laboratory way of checking for a wayner or a vadge <img src=smilies/cwm27.gif>
<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10>
> Um. It's also a distinction of the reproductive organs
> present on your body.

There's a difference between sex and gender. Sex is decided by reproductive organs (so, male, female, or somewhere in between). Gender is up to the individual to define, or to have defined for them by society.

For added fun, try explaining this to homophobes and watch the sparks fly <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>
<P ID="signature">_______________________________________
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