An asshole with adoring young men listening to his every word


New member
Picture it--ancient Greece. The camera pans over a group of young men listening as one man speaks to a gathering of youths. Something funny is happening here. This man is sayijg things that are different. Youthful expressions show interest and seem intrigued by this man and his strange, fascinating ideas.

Several thousand years later, and we're still putting the proverbial Preparation H on our rectums...

Think about it, seriously.

I'd rather stop thinking about it so I'll go work on the last beer in this six pack now.

All it takes is one bad philosopher,
What philosopher do you take issue with? Socrates (or in any case, what we know of him through Plato)? Plato? Aristotle?
I think he was referencing Heusein Obama, which I would compare to the like of Rockafeller, JP Morgan, and maybe even Loki.

I was going to complain that that made absolutely no sense, but to be fair, this thread as a whole isn't making that much sense to me so far.

The camera pans over a group of young men listening as one man speaks to a gathering of youths. Something funny is happening here. This man is sayijg things that are different. Youthful expressions show interest and seem intrigued by this man and his strange, fascinating ideas.

Are you sure that isn't the 2000 Republican Convention?

/jk, btw.
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