Wii channel rips


New member
Wii Channel rips (request)

I still have the original files for most of the channels but my computer isn't capable of ripping .brsars because DVD Root on Dolphin requires a fast CPU which I don't have

Bin files (News, Forecast Channel) are hard to rip because they can't be extracted

Can someone on Zophar do this for me?

Thanks in advance!

Password for the files is: Mikurocks1

Explanation of .brsar & .bin file names:

"eulaSound.brsar"=System menu?

"HomeButtonSe.brsar"=Home button sound effects



"miiConChSound.brsar"= Check Mii Out channel

"NigaoeSound.brsar"=Mii Channel

"rev_enquete.brsar"=Everybody Votes channel

"Forecast.bin"=Forecast channel

"News.bin"=News channel

"rev_photo.brsar"=Photo channel

"SndTVlist.brsar"=TV no Tomo channel (Japan only)

"wii_printch.brsar"=Fujifilm Digicam Print channel (Japan only)

How to rip:

1.Download the Dolphin emulator (link in attachment)

2.Load "viewer.elf"

3.Set the sound options in Dolphin to "Dump Audio"

Don't worry about tagging the songs, I'll do that

Oh and I also have some files for WiiWare games too

I will put them in a separate .zip file

Unfortunately I don't know which files are for what game


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Sorry to bump the post but there's a neat little program called VGMTrans_WTL which is a fork on github of the original VGMTrans program. Just drag a brsar file to it, then you can export the songs as midi and soundfont. Then open up any DAW and import the midi file and then use the DLS soundfont that you extracted earlier. From there, you can just add a bit of reverb and then export the song! If you need any help, just ask. Also, thanks for the files. I've been trying to find the everybody votes and Check Mii out channel brsar files for a while now.
Thanks for the reply!

I have been looking for SO long for a way to rip BRSAR files without using Dolphin since my computer can't handle it

This will make things easier!

Thanks again
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