What is god?

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I wasn't sure whether this is a good Backroom topic, but if it so seems to be, then move it there please.


So, what is God to you?

That seems to be a good question. I had always believed that he was some mighty figure from the stars, but now it seems he is more than that.

I believe that he is always with us in mind and spirit. He surrounds us and can aid us in our times of need.

Ask and you shall receive, as I believe the saying goes.

Everytime I'm down, I ask him for help. It doesn't matter if I scream it or barely whisper it, he always quells the turmoil within myself.

Countlessly, I've asked him for the strength and mental will to help me fight some mental battle/prepare for something that requires my full attention. And time and time again, I always find that strength.

I can prove this by saying that whenever I'm sad, I think to myself "No, I don't need help with this", I remain in misery. When I finally ask for his help, I feel much better.

So, I believe God may or may not have been real ages ago, but today he remains here, guiding us when we need guidance the most.

To put it one way, I suppose you could compare God to The Force, in the sense that he surrounds all things and binds them together.

It is my belief that he limits himself to helping us for our greater good. He won't help you win a war, he won't help you open your locker. But he can give you the patience and the mental clarity to focus on remembering the correct combination to your locker.

As well, I believe understanding this is a key evolutionary step. We all have latent psychic ability, and perhaps this is our way to unlocking it.

After all, Jesus was just a man, and look what he could do.

Thats what I believe God is. Anyone else have another opinion?
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