What games are you playing lately?

I just finished Oblivion, including the Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles expansion packs. In total, I logged 299 hours and 34 minutes in the game. At the $24.95 I paid for the Game of the Year edition used, that comes out to less than 9 cents an hour. I'd say I definitely got my money's worth there.

Oblivion is also now the fourth game on which I've gotten 100% of the achievements, following Bully: Scholarship Edition, Kung Fu Panda (legitimately one of the best beat 'em ups I've ever played) and Lego Indiana Jones (which I beat out of spite, the game was horrid.) Being on dialup, I obviously don't play online, so any games with online achievements are an automatic no go on 100%ing achievements.

Not sure what the hell I'm going to play next. Looking through my 360 games, I was thinking Skate might be nice and relaxing after Oblivion. (I was expecting the ending to be anti-climatic but it was intense.) Not to mention the Little Rocket Man achievement in Half-Life 2 which was unbelievably frustrating. Or maybe it's time to play a few ROM hacks.
I´m currently playing Kengo 3 and The Punisher as well; both for the PS2... and every onece in a while I play five minutes of Bully (I find it to be quite boring and childish... no offense if someone here likes that game)
Not sure what the hell I'm going to play next. Looking through my 360 games, I was thinking Skate might be nice and relaxing after Oblivion. (I was expecting the ending to be anti-climatic but it was intense.) Not to mention the Little Rocket Man achievement in Half-Life 2 which was unbelievably frustrating. Or maybe it's time to play a few ROM hacks.

You, sir; are my personal legend. I´m new to the translation hacking scene and also to this forum. I´ve read your tutorias and even though I can´t understand a thing (I do some of them), they inspire me to translate Japanese text from games.
It would be nice to have your help in the future :bigthumbup:

Now; I have enjoyed very much the Hitman series. I´d recommend it to you if you have not played it yet. The price of Hitman Blood Money for the Xbox360 should have dropped dramatcally over the past few years. It´s a fun game in my personal opinion. It´s available for the PS2, PC and the 360.

I suppose you´ve played the Metal Gear series??? I also liked Shinobido for the PS2, along with Max Payne (there is a PC version of it), I have not gotten around playing the follow up of it, but it looks promising.
If you´re into western comics you might like the bloody uncensored version of The Punisher for the PS2 and PC.

I owned a XBox360 once, but I had to give it away....:erm:, but Tenchu Z was fun... online :(. There wasn´t very much to do in the solo 50 mission part of the game; besides, the story wasn´t all that good (it was pretty awful actually).

Maybe Heavy Rain???
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Ocarina of Time
Castle Age, Treasure Isle, Frontierville, Fishville on Facebook
Assassins Creed 2
Pokemon Heart Gold
Super Street Fighter II for the SNES. Brings back acne memories...^_^

Also, Half-Life and Half-Life 2 mods. They...never get old. Never!
Played Plants vs. Zombies recently (the iPad seems to have a use, tablets are ideal for that game), cleared the main adventure mode in two days, working through extras. It's a fun little diversion, with a surprising amount of depth to the gameplay.

Also playing Mario Kart 7 (AI still a cheating bastard, 150cc difficulty may take a while) and I've started on Shantae: Risky's Revenge (good old 2D platforming with solid gameplay and some actual challenge to it, how I've missed that). I'm also occasionally taking on new level on Sonic Colours, which is actually fun. I guess I'm technically still playing The World Ends With You (I do intend to someday finish that). Super Mario 3D Land is boring as shit and seems to confirm that I've had it with Super Mario games now.
I've recently been playing Zelda: Link's Awakening, after I beat OOA/OOS of which I played after ALTTP. All in all, it's a great way to stay in shape.
I just got a PS2 (for $ 10) and a Wii for fixing a computer. I'm playing Mario Kart on the Wii and Final Fantasy XII on the PS2. I'm accepting reccomendations for good PS2 games.

PS Mario Kart for the Wii rules.
Mario Kart on Wii gets old....

Games - hmmm - i wish i had the time. I am not being sarcastic either - I really wish i had the time. I would love to try out GTA4. Hell, the last Final fantasy I played was 8. I love to see where the series has gone....
Mario Kart on Wii gets old....

I guess this is probably about the worst possible time to jump on this thread and say I've been seriously abusing Super Mario Kart... lol :outta here:

I can't help it, I just love old SNES games (though I have a bit of an excuse, as I'm working on my own track edits, but still, I'm not sure that'll wash on here...)

Forgive me! I'm new here... lol (Meh!)
I wish i was in the mood to play a game. I haven't been playing any lately but i have been reading of them or just checking some reviews out. I need friends to hang out with then i could play Mario Kart too :(
I've been playing BioShock and the Assassins Creed series lately. Haven't played in months cause of work and school tho.
Now I'm playing Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing, Zelda OOT, and Twilight Princess and a hack I've been working on of Pokemon Diamond.
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