What does Zophar.net need to update? Please let us know here!

With hundreds of projects being worked on across the globe, there's no way Zophar.net's staff can cover every square inch of emulation, all the time. We need you, the members, to let us know what needs to be updated. Respond to this thread whenever you see something that should be added to the site, or an old version of something that should be updated.
Note: I've moved this to the Emulation Scene News forum for greater exposure (on the main page), but I've left a permanent redirect in the Site Questions/Suggestions forum because this is really where the thread belongs (and because doing it the other way around doesn't display the thread on the main page, unfortunately).
One minor fix you guys can work on is fixing the links to the emulators for Windows/DOS on the right side of the home page. There is no link to get to the Windows/DOS emulators and such takes you right back to www.zophar.net Just my two cents. Thanks and keep up the great work!
I just tried it again on a different computer, using FireFox, and it still works fine.

Are we talking about the same link? I'm clicking the link on the top right of the main page, right underneath the words, "Emulators For", entitled "Windows/DOS". When I do, it takes me to the page at http://www.zophar.net/windos.html.

If we are in fact referring to the same link, can you click the link I just posted above, and tell me if that works for you?
Ah, someone finally pointed out to me what's going on: there's an incorrectly implemented piece of code, which causes the ZD banner to get pushed down over that link, but in a way that doesn't seem obvious. This only occurs when ads are filtered, by browser settings, plugins, etc (hence it's not occurring on mine). Essentially, filtering the Google ads on Zophar.net breaks the rest of the page.

Unfortunately, I'll have to talk to Edman about it, as I don't have access to the HTML content of the main page.

Thanks for pointing it out.
OK, for all of you adblocking users, I believe I have fixed that. Do tell if it still doesn't work.
OK, for all of you adblocking users, I believe I have fixed that. Do tell if it still doesn't work.

Is working fine here now thanks for fixing it. Been using this site for years. I remember my first arcade emulator was rishgar was even into emulation from when i had my amiga and missed my lil spectrum. Good job guys.
I have increased the upload filesize limit (to 64MB) BUT this is a simple uploader, so if you have a slow connection it may time out with large files. I did manage to successfully upload a file reaching the top limit but this may vary.

For now, if that is the case, add what you are adding with a blank file, upload the real file somewhere else, and then PM me so I can swap the files.
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