Tile Layer Pro now supports BIN Files Correctly


New member
Usually I come here for most of my e****n and rom hacking needs. But while googling my way around the interwebs, I came across another site that appears to be similar to ZD, but has a different set of utilities. Im sure a couple will probably be referenced on both, but TWO major pains for me have been GENESIS and Tile Layer Pro.

Trying to edit Genesis roms for me has always ended in failure, as I have NEVER found one utility that could edit at all. Then I totally stumbled across a hacked version of Tile Layer Pro which the hacker fixed the BIN file support for the damn program.

That was my first major issue. The second was that I could never get the damn program to load any Genesis Palettes correctly.

So, under the UTILITIES section, I happened to see not one, but two total treasures. The hacked version of TPL, AND a GENS mod that flat out exports a loaded roms corresponding TPL palette! For me (an idiot) its like hitting the lottery! Twice!


Im not trying to spam or anything, but seriously after hours of googling for stuff, 99% of the time I get links to ZD and just came across this by chance. Personally, I think, out of some form of respect for what they try to do, they might actually deserve a link on here somewhere. As they have an alternate set of utilities which many aspiring rom modders, it could at least be noted as a worth while resource.

Just thought some of you might want to know...
Interesting. Too bad they don't seem to have had any updates in a while.
Thank you for letting us know about this, the hacked version had been added under tile layer pro.
Of course, you could have just used Tile Molester which was written by the same author as Tile Layer Pro, is pretty much superior in every regard and is open source, thus requires no hacking to add features. Plus it's written in Java, thus runs equally well on Windows, MacOS and Linux.
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