Thoughts on reviving the forums a bit

I recommend switching back to WWWBoard. The board has been steadily losing traffic after abandoning good ol' Matt.
Wow InVerse, I didn't know you did that style of simple and non-offensive comedy. Hoping for some new member to take it seriously so you can eviscerate them for being such a gullible dumbass?
i know this is probably a bad idea suggesting this,

but theres one sure fire way of getting more traffic...
but posting pics of lillymon naked on the frount page,
would draw some attention...

*please dont hurt me*
i know this is probably a bad idea suggesting this,

but theres one sure fire way of getting more traffic...
but posting pics of lillymon naked on the frount page,
would draw some attention...

*please dont hurt me*

So I guess you must be new to the Internet...
So I guess you must be new to the Internet...

not really,but are pics of lillymon naked common?
are the a million bored/wierd people,
who like defacing/creating/whatever its called pics of digimon,
(i leave google safe seach on :thumb up:)

and after a quick google seach;

do you think this is the reason for a lack of members?
the question is a wee bit hard for people?
i mean the hint gives nothing away.... :rolleyes:
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I can't say that I've seen any pictures of Lillymon naked but I tend to only look for naked pictures that involve titties and vaginas, as I imagine does a large portion of the ZD constituency.

The reason for a lack of members is that the novelty of emulation has worn off and nobody cares to make a big deal of it anymore. Who cares if I can download Super Mario Bros. and play it on my computer. I can do the same thing with my Wii.
it was sarcasm,
yes you and every other person can download classic games on thier currant console,

as for those who like to emulate,
theres torrent sites that provide hundereds of roms at once,
in one easy download, instead of looking for harvest moon for a few hours till you find a decent rom site.

theres usb copier's, which simplify the whole cart copying process so those who are new to it,
don't have to ask for help in these forums.

add to this the rise of social networking and the like,
forums should be dead... right?
especially the ones dedicated to the dying art of emulation?

well i hope not,

say for example you bought it when it came out way back when,
it was what £30? (not sure...rough guess)
then you bought it on the gameboy advance,(cus u wanted it everywhere you went)
another £15
you've bought the ipad version, because the GBA just aint cool,(no idea of price)
then gone and paid £30 for the all new DS pretty version
why should have buy the wii version?
why not just emulate it on your pc??
you've spent near enough £85 on the game...

then in a few years time your probably going to buy another copy of the same game, on a newer console, why? because your wii is going to end up in the attic with all the other old consoles.

social networking sites are just full of unfiltered crap,
"i have a bad tummy" yadda yadda,
its just a torrent of uncontrolled crap,
where at least here you have moderaters and the like,
who ban the constant "i'm in love with", my tummy hurts", "work was shit", "peters pis are the best" status posts which dominate status feeds.

but hey who cares 'cus you can play super mario bros on ya wii

[edit] sorry i don't mean to seem like i'm kicking off at you,
im not promoting pirecy,
i don't buy pre-owned games due to the lack of money being given to the devoloper,
i just hate the way they are trying to make you pay for the same thing over and over
I fully endorse piracy. If not for piracy, one might purchase a Kid Rock album expecting it not to suck. I can only think of 3 game I bought that weren't pre-owned in the last 5 years. GTA IV (which I bought along with my 360), Fable II (only game I ever pre-ordered) and Dead Rising (Greatest Hits $20 version.)

There's also the fact that sites die. That's what happened. AOL went from the biggest ISP in the country to struggling to find a way to survive. Times change.

I'm wondering if you missed the part about the penis, though.
thats what the preview button is for on itunes for, you preview the album, then pop down to hmv....

yeah it's not sites dying that really bothers me, its what it's replaced with that bothers me, there just seems to be this rise in crap which the masses flock towards

i remember when yahoo was the seach engine to use, now the only time i use yhoo is when google points me to yahoo answers.

what penis? i think i may have stumbled upon something in a different thread... unless im getting the wrong end of the stick.
Well, you entered the thread asking for cock, so I suppose you can't complain if you get the wrong end of it. Or get it in the wrong end.
i know this is probably a bad idea suggesting this,

but theres one sure fire way of getting more traffic...
but posting pics of lillymon naked on the frount page,
would draw some attention...

never asked for cock,
never asked for anything,
notice the luckily careful wording,

now is there something on your mind?
are you skim reading and your brain is filling in the blanks?
never asked for cock,
never asked for anything,
notice the luckily careful wording,

now is there something on your mind?
are you skim reading and your brain is filling in the blanks?

I'm not sure of the best way to respond to this. I'm kind of hoping Lilly will see this and respond. :P
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