Terraforming Mars-- are we really running out of space?


New member
So, here I am watching the History Channel, and there is a show on about terraforming Mars. Really?
now there are the people out there who believe that people will just pollute it, and destroy it like they have on Earth. Although I would think that terrafoming mars would be the opposite.
They were talking about how Mars has 1/3 gravity and they aren't sure if it's significant enough gravity for people to not lose their bone density.
There are also other factors that make Mar's atmosphere suitable for terraforming, as well as unsuitable conditions, such as no water. They're talking about transferring water from Ceres, I believe, and if I've read correctly, it orbits within the asteroid belt... people are crazy.

Another thing I looked up was scientist who're talking about colonizing the bottom of the ocean. That too has a lot of cons, as well that are very obvious.

Not to mention the colonization of the moon.
They're talking about mining the solar system as well cause we're running out of resources here.

What do you guys think about raping our solar system or colonizing other planets?
Are you one of those people whose for it, or one of those fundamentalists who thinks that we're going to rape every piece of land we settle upon?
I just think we need to stop making so many kids. The whole world should adopt the systems china has in place for population control for a generation or two.
As the great Chris Rock would say "Put the dick down". :)

Seriously I'm with Brad on this. Governments have got to get tough and tell people no more babies. I've known this since I was a kid and only China and India have done a damn thing about it. I will give Russia and other countries that will give abortion on demand which is a must if the morning after pill is controversial and dumb heavy drinkers are not on mandatory long term birth control.

Not a big deal though. The population gets to high we just have a few little nice wars, some genocide, just plain clear cut some populations, or just let irresponsible nations with high density populations starve. One way or another including mother nature letting a few little bugs lose like plague and such that with a dense population like the US east coast would actually get passed through multiple states before anyone realized what ever happened.

This bottom of the ocean, moon, and mars are just people trying to make a bundle off the US and other nations taxpayers knowing that even if something happened it would be over a 100 years before the craft that could handle that distance cheaply could be developed and by then population controls would be in place and could actually have almost fixed the problem and have been accepted as a way of life.
I think, if we don't expand in the universe sooner or later, other races out there will fill the place in the end. Bringing life to other planets is nothing bad. But as ReaperMan already said: mankind is growing too fast on earth, especially in the poor countries. In Germany population decreases and gets older. We don't have enough new born children per year....
One way or another including mother nature letting a few little bugs lose like plague and such that with a dense population like the US east coast would actually get passed through multiple states before anyone realized what ever happened.

Thanks Shawn, now I feel jynxed. :P
Thanks Shawn, now I feel jynxed. :P

Hey wasn't like I even mentioned that if the US electric grid on just the east coast went down for more than a month you would see food riots, mass slaughters, not widespread but I'm sure cannibalism would be happening, and so much more.

Heck if it's in the winter. Shit you'll see the above and entire neighborhoods disassembled for community firewood on the communities that haven't descended into anarchy yet.
We have guns... I doubt people would resort to cannibalism because of a really long black out. If anything they'd shoot animals. If someone is thinking about resorting to eating people, I don't think gutting an animal would be that hard.
Not to mention, if rioting did break out, the government would more than likely send out tanks and all kinds of soldiers to regulate the population.
We're not as populated as those other countries, we still have vast open land, that could easily be filled tons of Asian baby girls.

Anywho... I don't think the population in the U.S. is much to worry about now. I think that people should focus more on what we eat and harvest more than they're focusing on where to move to in the future. If we stopped over fishing, and cutting shit down, then there might be less of a problem. I think people should even harvest food for themselves, if, of course, they have the space. Instead of buying acreage to home horses, they should also invest in other livestock that they can harvest for food. If they need money, they should sell it to their neighbors, or to their town. I don't know, I guess I have an idealistic way of thinking. I even sometimes think that people should revert to the barder system. lol
Of course that has it's flaws.

By the way, do we even have enough resources on Earth to begin colonizing anything outside of our own planet? We have a lot of sand... lets make everything out of GLASS! >.<
We have guns... I doubt people would resort to cannibalism because of a really long black out. If anything they'd shoot animals. If someone is thinking about resorting to eating people, I don't think gutting an animal would be that hard.
Not to mention, if rioting did break out, the government would more than likely send out tanks and all kinds of soldiers to regulate the population.
We're not as populated as those other countries, we still have vast open land, that could easily be filled tons of Asian baby girls.

Anywho... I don't think the population in the U.S. is much to worry about now. I think that people should focus more on what we eat and harvest more than they're focusing on where to move to in the future. If we stopped over fishing, and cutting shit down, then there might be less of a problem. I think people should even harvest food for themselves, if, of course, they have the space. Instead of buying acreage to home horses, they should also invest in other livestock that they can harvest for food. If they need money, they should sell it to their neighbors, or to their town. I don't know, I guess I have an idealistic way of thinking. I even sometimes think that people should revert to the barder system. lol
Of course that has it's flaws.

By the way, do we even have enough resources on Earth to begin colonizing anything outside of our own planet? We have a lot of sand... lets make everything out of GLASS! >.<

I think you are forgetting a few major facts. No power no gas stations, no running water, no refrigerated warehouses working that store food. For farms no irrigation since the pumps are electrical and no milking machines, and eventually even the fuel for the tractors run out.

As for hunting, have fun. There are about around a 100 or more to one persons to wild animals ratio in the regular areas of the east coast and the cities it's more like over a 1000 to one. We would fishout and kill probably almost all the wildlife and easily catchable fish within a few weeks tops and there would not be enough to repopulate enough to sustain for maybe over a week even after a few months.

We basically need to lower the US population by at least 2/3 or more to maybe 50 to 100 million maximum. Sure it seems like a small number but that is a somewhat sustainable number. By lowering to 50 million and reverting back a lot of land back to farms and forests and wildlands it'll make it simple for wildlife to get back to a normal sustainable populations.
before this topic goes any further, I think it's time to move this to the backroom since this is starting to turn a bit political.
No power no gas stations, no running water, no refrigerated warehouses working that store food. For farms no irrigation since the pumps are electrical and no milking machines, and eventually even the fuel for the tractors run out.

I think you're forgetting that, before the Industrial Revolution, humanity survived for millions of years without all of these things.
I think you're forgetting that, before the Industrial Revolution, humanity survived for millions of years without all of these things.

But this is about what if immediately after. Seriously how many farms do you think actually have full harnesses and plows and in good condition. Do you really believe every farm has a team of trained plow horses. Not all horses are plow horse or can be. How about harvesting. It would all be manually but so would planting since it's virtually ALL automated nowadays.

I only know this because I used to watch a show called Connections and it showed me what I had already suspected. If we were to lose power in the US in one day 2% might live if they were smart and prepared including supplies and a ton of ammo and weapons. Most people would be screwed since they all depend on the machine and the power to run it. They hinted at this in the 2nd "I believe" Matrix movie when the Counselor was talking to Neo about the machinery that ran the last city and how they didn't even know how it was made or worked anymore. Our country is like that now and many others also. They work and most people don't care or know how and if the power dies then so do they but they just don't realize it yet.

This is why it is crucial to lower the population so we can adapt to a better system that can change with need. One that we understand and know how it works and have our own renewable power source that is complex and connected but also independent in case of problems in the distribution.

We are dead in my lifetime if the oil runs out and we haven't fixed this and the many other problems. Oh yeah and half the problems we have in the world are overpopulation or excessive. Less people means less demand which means lower prices, more land, higher labor costs, less war, more food, more healthcare, more raw materials if we recycle, less kids so less schools and teachers so lower taxes "way lower", less war also means less war machine "lower taxes", more employment and less kids means "lower taxes" since there are no welfare bitches sitting around collecting a check or people on unemployment since there are not way to many people than we need.

Our population in the US because of Welfare "paying bitches to get pregnant" and Illegal immigration is over twice of what it naturally should be. Don't believe me then realize this. A lot of women on welfare have 6 kids a lot have 4 kids. How many would they have without it??? Zero or maybe one but not 6 and there are those that have 8 or more and they need to be shot in the face for stealing from us all and not giving a fuck.
They are a huge reason for the problems with this country and we need to FIX them, yes surgically and also change the law so if you are not 25 you can't get welfare so you better know an adoption agency or sell your body since we don't need to support your ass.

Yeah I went off on a rant but it felt right, lol. :)
For instance, when the hurricanes came through Florida, one after another a few years ago, there were a lot of people who didn't have power for weeks. Not saying that people didn't help anyone with their generators and what not, but there were a lot of people who had to resort to cooking their dinners over fires, and using candle light for lights in their houses. I know I did. The biggest problems were food and gas. Everyone was flipping their lids over it. I couldn't understand why so many people couldn't come together and help their fucking neighbors. Instead people were outside taking pictures of the the less fortunate people's houses who had trees through their living rooms, and then laughing cause it didn't happen to them. I just read books and hung out with my friends. We'd go out to the lake, or go fishing. I didn't have this problem with this change of regression. So many others did, the ones who rely on their precious technology. People who wanted to watch their TVs the ones, who shit bricks cause they couldn't go on their internet. I came to the conclusion that, shit, I'm still alive, and I'm going to do what it takes to maintain that.

I think everyone should have a test and if you fail, you die. A survival of the fittest kinda thing. There are so many people out there who are reproducing that shouldn't be. So many idiots proclaiming to be the next fucking Einstein.
There should be a brains test and a physical one. Our government, and our workers. No freeloaders.
They should "colonize" the moon, and just sent worthless people out into space without there being anything for them to actually go to. If they're dumb enough to believe that there's a better place on the fucking moon, then they should go there. Same with all those fucking religious fundamentalists. If you're belligerently outrageous enough to shove that shit down someone's throat, you should be thrown into space to be with your god.

Is there anyway to change the thread's name to "shit that's wrong with people as a whole"?

I have no idea, are you responding to yourself since yours is the last post, lol. :)

Is there anyway to change the thread's name to "shit that's wrong with people as a whole"?

Now that has some real response potential for a thread but I don't steal so it's up to you to start it.
Colonization of the moon, Mars, or under the sea just doesn't seem realistically feasible in the anywhere-near-future. Humans just need to return to proper resource management, localized production, and more subsistence-esque agriculture (lessen the resources wasted on growing and transporting food around the world). If people fail to do so, there will almost surely be a major civilization collapse that will force such an adjustment.

Speaking of, the other day I was intrigued to see people farming on land perhaps just a few football fields in area in the middle of cities with skyscrapers and the like around them while taking a train from Hong Kong to Guangzhou. They were planting seeds and tilling the land by hand and everything. Very cool to see, what with not even being in the countryside.
I just wish they would leave the moon alone since it is responsible for all life continuing on this planet the way we know it. There is so much the moon controls including the tides that if something happened we would be so screwed as a species. I can see some terrorist group in a 100 years blowing up a moon fuel depot in protest and pushing the moon out of orbit or just as bad into a slower or faster orbit that messes with the life cycles "breeding, feeding ect" of many of the more fundamental life forms causing mass extinctions up and down the food chain.

So much could go wrong, we really need to leave the moon alone for the most part.
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