So, New York City is crippled. How's everyone else doing?

Lobster Cowboy

New member
If you hadn't heard, the Transit Workers Union of New York City just went on strike, essentially shutting down perhaps the biggest mass transit system in the world.

I'm sorry, but it's totally selfish and reckless to but your own needs ahead of 7 million people. It's not like the transit workers are eating out of garbage bins. They have a fantastic benefits package, and are already guaranteed regular payhikes.

Not only that, but these assclowns are breaking the fucking law. The state of New York has a law preventing public workers from striking, and they're thumbing their nose at it. This law was passed so that New York City couldn't be crippled or put into the severely dangerous position of having no mass transit. I pray that Michael Bloomberg and the rest of the city breaks this union in two.

Fuck you, TWU <img src=smilies/flipa.gif>
<P ID="signature">><img src= border=0><img src= border =0</P>
I hate unions. They all need to be fired. Immediately. If I don't show up for work, I get should they.

There's a talk show on my station with a liberal, pro-union guy. His stance is that they're collectively selling the only thing they have: their labor. What a bunch of crap. So basically they're ADMITTING they have NO marketable skills, they're useless, they're untalented, and they deserve less...but demand more.
<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10>
> Fuck you, TWU
Esentially, if you dont treat your workers well, they'll fuck you over, given that your business (unless a small self run business) will generally crumble without them :)

<P ID="signature">do you buy stuff from</a>? if you do, help a bro out and buy from that link :) </P>
My discontempt for unions started after my dad was "forced to resign" from his Senior Engineering position at his company. At this point, I started doing research into things that could have kept him from having to leave his job, and of course the research led into unions. My dad was now freelancing, and I was upset that virtually uneducated factory workers were getting more benefits, higher pay, and working less that my dad was. I agree that there needs to be some sort of system in place to prevent workers from being treated unfairly, but the current system allows unions to go on strike for higher pay that they don't need or deserve.

<P ID="signature">
<hr noshade>
When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. ~ Dom Helder Camara
That is a bunch of bull shit. I say the state should fire them and look for scabs(or whatever they call replacements). This is also good for people looking for jobs. This should open up more!

>The state of New York has a law preventing public workers from striking.

How they make a union?
<P ID="signature">The pipes clangor all the time!</P>
Honestly, unions need to be abolished. I value workers rights, but thats not up to the union, it's the responsibility of the Employer and also the Employee.

Plus, something like the New York sybway system can't be shut down. Most people in there only use the Subway and Taxi cabs anyway. Nobody drives their cars.

But I suppose the Taxi Cabs are having a good time now, since the subway is out of order.
<P ID="signature">-------
Signiatures eat testiclites for BRUNCH :o</P>
Wow, that's kinda... funny. I watched a documentary on Grand Central Station last weekend on the National Geographic Channel.

Also funny, at lunch, my friends and I were talking about the merits of a mass transit system for our town.

<P ID="signature">--
beadsprites and PSFs, oh my!</P>
Luckily I live right next to NYU. This royally screws things up for others in my family though. <img src=smilies/headshake.gif>
The union is requesting a 24% raise over three years, despite its workers getting $55,000 on average already and having good benefits. They feel they have the leverage to extort higher salaries than people in similar jobs because their job happens to give them the means to paralyze the city. So yeah, screw them.
<P ID="signature"><center>
<a href=><img src= border=0>
1k1IN:</a><font color=#903030> A Dark Comedy About 2 Roomates</font></center></P>
I used to be a Union Steward some twenty eight years ago.
The Unions all need to die.
Those bastards are making over twice what I make and they're bitching????
Fuck 'em. Fire them and hire people who want to work.
<P ID="signature"><img src=>
Mew's Corner-A New Form of Torture</P>
> Fuck 'em. Fire them and hire people who want to work.

Exactly. If I was the "City of NYC" I'd start putting ads in the paper for transit jobs.
<P ID="signature"></P>
> The Unions all need to die.

I'm often cynical about unions, corrupt organizations that they often are, but there are many employers who are assholes too, and would take advantage of employees given half the chance, so I'm not sure I would go quite that far. However...

That said, cases like this are certainly pretty damn far-removed from black-lunged coal miners organizing over a century ago in order to get enough pay to feed their families without becoming permanently indebted to the company store.

The workers are right that they have a right ot negotiate a price for their labor (as with any commodity), but what what I rarely see mentioned is that in comparable negotiations for sales of physical goods, this would be called monopolistic price-fixing, and would be prosecuted under federal anti-trust laws.
<P ID="signature"><center>
<a href=><img src= border=0>
1k1IN:</a><font color=#903030> A Dark Comedy About 2 Roomates</font></center></P>
> Why wasn't an arbitration called for before this happened?

I just tread the bit about the 24% pay increase.

Fuck that shit.
<P ID="signature"><hr width=350 align=left>
> > Why wasn't an arbitration called for before this happened?
> I just tread the bit about the 24% pay increase.
> Fuck that shit.

PPS: For the record, I am very pro-worker's rights, but very much against the way unions work today.
<P ID="signature"><hr width=350 align=left>
> So basically they're ADMITTING they have NO marketable
> skills, they're useless, they're untalented, and they
> deserve less...but demand more.

That depends on the union. I wouldn't say electricians, carpenters, police officers, and firefighters have no skills.
<P ID="signature"><hr width=350 align=left>
> That depends on the union. I wouldn't say electricians,
> carpenters, police officers, and firefighters have no
> skills.

I didn't mention them, now did I?
<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10>
> Fuck you, TWU

About 10 miles north of me is's scumptious. It's Texas Women's Univ. <img src=smilies/thumb.gif>
<P ID="signature"><img src=></P>
> > That depends on the union. I wouldn't say electricians,
> > carpenters, police officers, and firefighters have no
> > skills.
> I didn't mention them, now did I?

I thought I replied to this already but I must not've hit post again on the preview page.

Anyhow, all the "they's" in the original post kind-of ambiguated it. I misread you. Now I see what you were saying. Sorry.
<P ID="signature"><hr width=350 align=left>
It amazes me that the city hasn't hired any Scabs yet. I saw shitloads of people commuting to work this morning by foot. -7C weather, and snowing I do believe.

Still, I've walked that and more to work a few times, it can be rewarding. Plus it's good excercise.
<P ID="signature">-------
Signiatures eat testiclites for BRUNCH :o</P>
> It amazes me that the city hasn't hired any Scabs yet. I
> saw shitloads of people commuting to work this morning by
> foot. -7C weather, and snowing I do believe.

It's cold here today, but it isn't snowing. Or do you mean over there in Ontario?

Anyway, over here the city probably won't need to hire scabs. With the $1M-per-day fine the judge ordered, I think the union will have no choice but to back down.
<P ID="signature"><center>
<a href=><img src= border=0>
1k1IN:</a><font color=#903030> A Dark Comedy About 2 Roomates</font></center></P>
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