Smileys aren't XHTML-compliant


New member
I don't know how easy this would be to fix; if it is just a matter of adding that slash to the code for the smiley "buttons", or if it is not possible to do in this forum's system.
<P ID="signature"><hr></P>
> I don't know how easy this would be to fix; if it is just a
> matter of adding that slash to the code for the smiley
> "buttons", or if it is not possible to do in this forum's
> system.

What's your point? Your post alone failed validation for 86 reasons. Forums typically aren't xhtml compliant, anyway.
<P ID="signature">_______________________________________
The forum's not supposed to be compliant. This system was written before XHTML was even a standard.
<P ID="signature"><font size="1">I'm like the New Coke. I'll be around forever. Heh heh heh.</font></P>
> What's your point? Your post alone failed validation for 86
> reasons.
<img src=smilies/laff.gif \>

> Forums typically aren't xhtml compliant, anyway.

Oh, I see.
<P ID="signature"><hr></P>
HTML 4.01 wasn't even standard when this forum was first coded (December of 1999).
<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10>
> HTML 4.01 wasn't even standard when this forum was first
> coded (December of 1999).
Hmmm, maybe we could come up with a XHTML emulator for the entire forum. <img src=smilies/laff.gif>
<P ID="signature">(Place all intelligent thought here) Wait, gimme a second, I know, ummmm, aww hell fuckit.......</P>
lol *nt*

<P ID="signature">Chris

> This one used to be. It seems a few bugs arised as the time
> passed.

I said "typically" <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>
<P ID="signature">_______________________________________
> I said "typically"

I never meant to discredit your statement, because that forum as it is right now, it is not valid. Blarrrgh. That site still fucking rules.

<P ID="signature">_- | -_
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