roms net affiliation? & donations

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Lesson learned. Don't pay money for roms! Its more likely a scam, unless you have a usenet account.

-The End
Hylia Media Group Inc , Zophars domain?

hi, I am still trying to get my money back (some of the mods may remember what this is about?) but the info on the PayPal transaction is very limited (as with all ripp offs), no addess no webmail no phone no`. not confirmed etc etc , all I could find is that the domain server/name whatever, and so to further my investigations could the mods or anyone on this site tell me if Zophars domain knows about? is linked to ? or knows anything about? "Hylia Media Group Inc."
thanks for your help in advance , Baco...
All the backend stuff is handled by Edman. Did you try emailing him yet?

Also, this goes in site questions/suggestions, etc.... moving. Please stop posting in the wrong forum. ;/

sorry didnt realise you were soo touchy about the location of my thread, I posted it in chit chat as it was a gerneral question to all and so wanted as many as poss to view my question, as for emailing , OF COURSE ! I did , it was one of the first things I did, that question is a bit like a police man asking the victim "er, did you ask the robber for your stuff back?" the right person to ask perhaps , but not very likly it will get you very far,
It isn't anything personal, but he did move your post last time, so logic indicates you'd post such a question here in the future. :P

Anyway, yeah...if we knew what was going on we'd have told you in the previous thread.
thanks for giving us tips on how to ask you questions, nitwit. We can't help you, only edman can,instead of coming down on us, fucking deal with it. It's not affiliated with us.

well if you have nothing new or helpfull to add? why feel the need to get involved? are you lonely? awww...
as for tip... where are the tips I gave as to answering my questions? i did give an analogy but not answering advice(tips)
if you have issues understanding the written word ? do not get upset with me,
have a nice life .etc..:puke:
re payment

I wasnt paying for the roms / isos etc , the payment was for access to a seperate server to DL faster and multipul files,
well if you have nothing new or helpfull to add? why feel the need to get involved? are you lonely? awww...
as for tip... where are the tips I gave as to answering my questions? i did give an analogy but not answering advice(tips)
if you have issues understanding the written word ? do not get upset with me,
have a nice life .etc..:puke:

Obviously if this is how the post is going, it's run it's course. In conclusion, we have as much of an idea as you do, and would help you get in contact with him if we could, but we can't get in contact with him either.
ok, I've merged these threads.... again. Hopefully, this will be the last time.

Baco, we've told you time and time again that there's nothing we can do, and yet you still continue. To make this clear, I don't want to see you post about this again. You're welcome to contribute to the forums, but if I see you make another thread about you whining about not getting a refund, I'm swinging the banhammer, not because I don't like you or anything, but for your own good, as by posting here is getting you nowhere, and I'm getting rather tired of having to explain myself over and over again. So to conclude, stop posting these threads, seriously, as staff has told you time and time again that WE CAN'T HELP YOU.
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