R RaiBlastoise New member Mar 7, 2005 #1 I think that ZD should have an option for last hour as well, 5 min etc. but using a dropdown menu might be nice for that. <P ID="signature"><hr> Eat Miak and Die!</P>
I think that ZD should have an option for last hour as well, 5 min etc. but using a dropdown menu might be nice for that. <P ID="signature"><hr> Eat Miak and Die!</P>
S SwampGas New member Mar 7, 2005 #2 > I think that ZD should have an option for last hour as well, > 5 min etc. but using a dropdown menu might be nice for that. Use the search function. <P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10> </marquee></P>
> I think that ZD should have an option for last hour as well, > 5 min etc. but using a dropdown menu might be nice for that. Use the search function. <P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10> </marquee></P>
Fla Flash Staff (News -- Rom Hacking) Mar 7, 2005 #3 Um, 24 hours is fine, unless the boss (SwampGas) wants to add the coding. I don't think five minutes or an hour will make that much difference. <P ID="signature"><img src=http://www.freewebs.com/mewscorner/electricchair.png> Mew's Corner-A New Form of Torture</P>
Um, 24 hours is fine, unless the boss (SwampGas) wants to add the coding. I don't think five minutes or an hour will make that much difference. <P ID="signature"><img src=http://www.freewebs.com/mewscorner/electricchair.png> Mew's Corner-A New Form of Torture</P>
G Gavin_86 New member Mar 10, 2005 #4 i'm fairly certain it would actually be a relative walk in the park to impliment, as it seems to simply run off of the search script. presumably, all that needs changing is this: in the dosearch.php file, navigate to line 47 and add the following: <code> elseif ($Old == "1hour") { $time = $time -3600; } </code> then simply a link like so: http://www.zophar.net/wwwthreads/dosearch.php?Cat=&Forum=All_Forums&Words=&Match=Entire+Phrase&Old=1hour&Limit=25Last Hour (won't work)</a> and then after that, it just comes down to wether or not you guys feel it's actually necessary, which it seems like not. <P ID="signature"><center>From my bed I watch TV, Drunk by noon but that's okay, I'll be president someday .::http://gavin.panicus.orgGavin.Panicus.org</a> ::.</center></P>
i'm fairly certain it would actually be a relative walk in the park to impliment, as it seems to simply run off of the search script. presumably, all that needs changing is this: in the dosearch.php file, navigate to line 47 and add the following: <code> elseif ($Old == "1hour") { $time = $time -3600; } </code> then simply a link like so: http://www.zophar.net/wwwthreads/dosearch.php?Cat=&Forum=All_Forums&Words=&Match=Entire+Phrase&Old=1hour&Limit=25Last Hour (won't work)</a> and then after that, it just comes down to wether or not you guys feel it's actually necessary, which it seems like not. <P ID="signature"><center>From my bed I watch TV, Drunk by noon but that's okay, I'll be president someday .::http://gavin.panicus.orgGavin.Panicus.org</a> ::.</center></P>