Playing guitar


New member
I have been playing guitar for about 6 years now, and I am looking for harder songs to play. I can play stuff like the Beatles, house of the rising sun, Space Oddity, some Sublime stuff, Nirvana, some Bob Seger, and junk along those lines. Just basic chord progressions and what not. I just don't know what to look up anymore. I can't think of anything off the top of my head. I'd really like to brush up on my oldies, although anything would be pretty rad.
To get a gist of things, I can play all the basic chords, and I can play the basic power chords, and I know all the basic chords in bar chord form. The only thing that involves a large amount of finger movement is the 12 bar blues, but that's a bass line. Also I have an acoustic guitar, so I can't really shred the neck up or anything snazzy.
Any suggestions would be fucking sweet.
Many of these songs are lead guitar that I thought had an acoustic edge to them. Some of these songs have good but short parts that will give you great practice.

Guns and Roses - Don't Cry, It's got and easy steady rythm

Poison - Every Rose Has It's Thorn

Rod Stewart - Maggie May

Skid Row - I Remember You

Tesla - Love Song

Tesla - Heavens Trail "the beginning of the song has a real catchy rythm that would be good for practice even though the rest of the song is mostly bass guitar" This song rocks

Warrant - Uncle Tom's Cabin "also the beginning of the song"

Neil Young "3 songs" Old Man - My My Hey Hey - Cinnamon Girl

Gin Blossoms - Found Out About You - also the song - Till I Hear It From You

Goo Goo Dolls - Iris - and also the song - Name

Cheap Trick - Where Ever You Go "it also might be entitled The Flame"

Brian Adams - Heaven

Boston - Amanda

Great White - Wasted Rock Ranger ;) "If you don't play it you'll laugh your ass off hearing it for the first time"

Michele Branch - Breath

Don't Laugh but anything from The Monkee's "a lot of nice acoustic guitar"

Outfield - I Don't Want To Loose Your Love

Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Zephyr Song "also" - Under The Bridge"

Rick Spingfield - I've Done Everything For You

Sheryl Crow "almost any song"

Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm

Damn Yankee's - Take Me Higher "guitar by Ted Nugent"

If your feeling ballsy then check out Ted Nugent - Great White Buffalo

The Cranberries - Ode to my family "also" Linger "also" Zombie

Deep Blue Something - Breakfast at Tiffany's

Harry Chapin - Cats In The Cradle

Jars Of Clay - Flood

Marcy Playground - Sex and Candy

Natalie Imbruglia - Torn

Neil Diamond - Girl you'll be a woman soon "song from pulp fiction you hear when John Travolta first meets Uma Thurman at the mansion, it's got a spanish sound to it"

Nelson - Love And Affection

Pretenders - Back On The Chain Gang

Rembrandts - Just the Way It Is Baby

Replacements - I'll Be You "this could be fun to play, rock out girl"

White Lion- Wait "The beginning of this song has a very distinctive sound"

Lastly try to find online the live versions of Foo Fighters - Everlong. Its pretty good but there are other songs out there of just acoustic Foo Fighters which are excellent.
believe it or not, "shes come undone" by the Guess Who has some really clever proper-chord-changes (i think jazz chords or whatever). I remember thinking "pff, this'll be easy"...not.

I don't have a lot of time to recommend any decent list, but I wanted you to at least try that one.
Some of those beatles songs out there have chords that seem so retardedly hard that they look made up.
Also, I know how to read tableture, I just haven't gotten around to doing any of it.
Your just not trying hard enough :P

If you can play Yngwie Malmsteen, your a god! just kidding, but Yngwie would be something you should try.


Neil Diamond - Girl you'll be a woman soon "song from pulp fiction you hear when John Travolta first meets Uma Thurman at the mansion, it's got a spanish sound to it"

While the original "Girl You'll Be a Woman Soon" was performed by Neil Diamond, the version from Pulp Fiction was re-recorded by the group Urge Overkill.

We going to go through this again? or are U gonna be a little whiny bitch?


Cornellius, Eric Johnson is pretty damn good, I got a CD of his, that is very good.

I wish I was good at guitar, but I never really got good. Plus I have focused more on drums in the last few years.
For the love of...this happens when I'm inactive due to computer trouble? I know it bothers you Brad, but you take it too far.
Hrm... Admin ? Yes. Owner ? No.
He just mi-used a word for god's sake.

Fair enough. My statement still stands though. I may not own the forum, but I make the rules and enforce them. Might I also add that your/you're isn't even an actual rule, but just something that annoys me. Don't like it? Don't do it.

Your a sad power hungry little man. GET OVER IT!

It amazes me that people who never passed basic grammar school somehow gather just enough intelligence to operate a computer. Be glad I haven't made your/you're a rule and that I haven't banned you yet. Don't push me though, or else I will fuck you up (with a banhammer).

For the love of...this happens when I'm inactive due to computer trouble? I know it bothers you Brad, but you take it too far.


...because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard, but I am fair!
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