Old people should not drive


New member
I just came off of I-35 going into town. This offramp is the style where you don't stop, you just keep on going since there is no stop sign. Going both directions is two lanes, so it's fairly open on traffic. About 3 blocks from the offramp is an intersection, and a reguarly used one. I'm about half a block away when I see this minivan pull out. The old bastard driving it did not even look in my direction to see if any traffic was coming. I slam on my brakes, and it's a good thing too. I was going to broadside him. After my car stopped, it stalled, and I promptly gave him a blast of horn which he probably didn't hear anyway.

It doesn't irk me so much that he went without looking, but he was going at no more than 5 miles per hour. <img src=http://www.zophar.net/wwwthreads/smilies/angryfire.gif>

He had no hazard lights on, wasn't honking his own horn to alert any drivers, he was just putzing along as though he owned the road. That, or he wasn't of sound mind.

<P ID="signature"><center><img src=http://dragonsbrethren.elazulspad.net/images/zidane/zidane01.gif title="Zidane doesn't like you!"></center></P>
Old people scare me.
<P ID="signature">

Optimus Christ, Saviour in Disguise</P>
Old People are more dangerous than drunk drivers on the road.
I remember hearing about some guy getting hit by an old granny while he was on his bike, and the lady didn't even stop
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I've seen just the opposite...older drivers going way faster than they should (in a parking lot anyway). A bigger problem, I think, are those people on cell phones who just need to come to the realization that they really don't need to be talking while driving 99% of the time unless they're in a 'Speed' situation. I've almost gotten run down by these people many times.

Then there are the assholes who do things like that on purpose then laugh at you when you look at them like they have three heads because they stopped just short of ramming the life out of you. You wouldn't have been laughing at me if you'd hit me, you'd be getting what's coming to you and crying to your mommy. <img src=smilies/angryfire.gif>

*cough* But yeah, those old people can be bad drivers. <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>
<P ID="signature">http://www.xanga.com/ZeldaDD

In the post there is a cow...</a></P>
> *cough* But yeah, those old people can be bad drivers.

We have to enact the Final Solution for the elderly.

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