I'd like to suggest that you implement news categories for posting - right now the news is just "posted" as is, and if all I want to see are updates for... say... emulators on the Wii, there's no way to do that.
Yea, I guess that'll do. Maybe different sections as well. Consoles, Handhelds, Arcades, CPU, like that. Otherwise there will be a massive list of different fora because every emulator/system needs its own forum. That's just too much I guess. =P
Thread prefixes could do the trick. I've spoke about it in IA. Still I haven't got a clue on how are we going to distinguish for example, an emulator that emulates GBA and an emulator that runs GBA.
I think we're not going to be able to distinguish at all. We'll just have to tag anything that emulates or runs on GBA as GBA for the sake of linearity.