My Passion For Emulation (Or, My Being a stubborn hardass.)


New member
Heya. I'm going to guess that most of you don't know me, so here's a shot in the dark. I'm Jamie Sanders, a slightly crazy programmer who made such random technologies as vNES (

And so, I'm writing to make a point, and ask a question. I've been an emulation junkie since the time I was 8, when I first discovered this site. That seems to reflect on my passion for old games. I think that, with some amount of time, I could update the old pages on Zophar's domain to a more current state of releases. I'm not trying to convince everyone that ZD needs to move to some cock-up Web 2.0 platform, I'm not saying that the site needs more images, I'm saying that I'd like to update the pages of emulators, to make them more current. I've heard in the past that people come around, offer to do this, and then disappear, so I don't expect to be welcomed too warmly by barging in and saying "Hey, let's update."

And now, for the question. I would like to know, that if I took the time to update the lists, would the changes ever be uploaded? I'd just like some sign of confirmation before I go and do all this. I'm not asking for an FTP account, I'm not asking for anything else. I'm just asking if the door is still open.

Jamie Sanders

<P ID="signature"></P>
As Swamp would say (to everybody repeatedly because he just refuses to do it), "do the work for me, and if it's good enough I'll think about it."

He's turned down some 20-30 new proposed themes, and none for a really good reason other than spite.

The ones that were approved lived for about 12 seconds, since the people that did want to work on them stopped doing so. I guess when they see the owner not giving two shits about this site, why should anybody else?

In the end, you better make sure that you really want to do this, otherwise you'll only add fuel to Swamp's fire that just won't die out. Plus there's that little issue of will Swamp even want you to work on it?
<P ID="signature"><img src=></P>
> Heya. I'm going to guess that most of you don't know me, so
> here's a shot in the dark. I'm Jamie Sanders, a slightly
> crazy programmer who made such random technologies as vNES
> (

You worked on vNES? Make it work with Wii, dammit!

If you are asking about updating the emulator lists, you can probably do that and the changes will probably be made. What this site really needs is a redesign - there are a number of current members (myself included) that are willing and able to do the legwork and update the emulator list, upload files, do whatever gruntwork is needed to get this site up to date again. But the site needs a solid redesign before anything like that should happen.

You shouldn't listen to me, I'm not in charge...just an old fan anxious to see this site running again.
<P ID="signature">

Wii console code - 7551377053011860</P>
Lenophis, how old are you ?
<P ID="signature">

</P><P ID="edit"><FONT class="small">Edited by Cornellius on 01/03/07 08:09 PM.</FONT></P>
<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

Lenophis, how old are you ?

24, 25 at the end of this month. And even though this username doesn't reflect it, I have been coming here since about 1999. I see what was and what is now, and yes I'm a little angry about what has transpired.

Unfortunately, there's nothing that I can do about it. I am not a web site developer, and my best certainly would not be approved by anybody. This should be proof enough of that. Believe me, if it was within my capability this would've been taken care of 2 years ago. Guess it doesn't help to complain about it. <img src=>
<P ID="signature"><img src=></P>
> The ones that were approved lived for about 12 seconds,
> since the people that did want to work on them stopped doing
> so. I guess when they see the owner not giving two shits
> about this site, why should anybody else?

actually everyone just got lazy and just gave up and nothing ever happened.
<P ID="signature">The pipes clangor all the time!</P>
> Unfortunately, there's nothing that I can do about it. I am
> not a web site developer, and my best certainly would not be
> approved by anybody. This should be proof enough of that.
> Believe me, if it was within my capability this would've
> been taken care of 2 years ago. Guess it doesn't help to
> complain about it.

That's the whole point. Anyone with the skill to get it done is old enough to have a full time job or a family and can't put forth the time that we all used to have 10 years ago when we were in our teens living at home skipping homework.

The 2 options are:

1) Sanitize the existing html and update it as-is. Easy at first, but extremely time consuming and difficult long term.

2) Redo the site in this web 2.0 format with a bloggish/CMS look and feel. Time consuming and difficult at first, but easy long term.

Either way, hard work has to be done....if I get promoted later this month and start pulling in $80k/yr, I'll just pay some firm to do it. Right now I don't have that kind of money.
<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10>
> I added "BucaTheDJ" and it appears as if you haven't been
> on... ever.

I'm on 24/7.
<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10>
If you need any help, feel free to IM me, as well.

ICQ: 217962885
AIM: ElementZer0X
Yahoo!: masamunecyrus

You can consider me part of the redesign movement, but simply updating the ages-old files is a good start, and I'd be willing to help out.
<P ID="signature">"Next time on Lupin the IIIrd. We find out that paradise is a lot like Disney Land...only with hookers."</P>
You don't have to be old to be capable. I'm sure most of you guys started out on computers at a very young age and developed skills that most hardcore computer users still don't have at any age.

But then again, most of my generation is too busy talking about how deep they are and that no one understands them on Myspace to do anything useful.
<P ID="signature">"Next time on Lupin the IIIrd. We find out that paradise is a lot like Disney Land...only with hookers."</P>
Jeez, i used to code html, but I don't ever have the money to get anything posted.
<P ID="signature">"Now serving number 67." ~Sam Fisher
Re: how do i do this

i have been using the znes for sometime know but until recently i hadent used any cheats for it well any ways i want to know howww to uuse the cheats i downloaded a few but i dont know how to use them

<P ID="signature"></P>
Re: how do i do this

> i have been using the znes for sometime know but until
> recently i hadent used any cheats for it well any ways i
> want to know howww to uuse the cheats i downloaded a few but
> i dont know how to use them


<P ID="signature">
Re: how do i do this

> i have been using the znes for sometime know but until
> recently i hadent used any cheats for it well any ways i
> want to know howww to uuse the cheats i downloaded a few but
> i dont know how to use them


<P ID="signature">

My blog...the perfect cure for curry withdrawl!!</a></P>
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