Mega Man X4 music


New member
Hi. I'm a frequent user of the Game Music Archive and I was wondering if there will be a Mega Man X4 download? I'm making an game (or at least try to...) and I've been looking for X4 music for too long.
> Hi. I'm a frequent user of the Game Music Archive and I was
> wondering if there will be a Mega Man X4 download? I'm
> making an game (or at least try to...) and I've been looking
> for X4 music for too long.

We eagerly await your submission of a PSF set... <img src=smilies/upeyes.gif>
Mega Man X4 uses XA audio, so no PSF is going to exist. XA audio is kind of like a compressed recording, not actual music data like midi. I know PSX games don't actually use midi, but that was the best I could compare it to. There are XA rippers on the site if you want to get MP3s.

Perhaps the Sega Saturn version will have a rippable set someday. Though I've not heard of any work on such a format.
> Perhaps the Sega Saturn version will have a rippable set
> someday. Though I've not heard of any work on such a
> format.

A reliable source (R. Belmont) has recently stated that the Sega Saturn doesn't have a format as such. It's more like the PC, with developers able to make up their own formats. Games can even use mutliple formats quite easily.

See why no one likes working with the Saturn now?
> It's more like
> the PC, with developers able to make up their own formats.
> Games can even use mutliple formats quite easily.

or like the N64...

there is (properly *was*) a saturn sound format (SSF) in development, though I think only one game was ever ripped
> there is (properly *was*) a saturn sound format (SSF) in
> development, though I think only one game was ever ripped

Hehehe. Radiant Silvergun.
Even still, the emulation was far from perfect. We probably shouldn't hold our breath for something like this... best to record music directly from the game for now. There are still streamed and sequenced formats for different games, like those on any CD/DVD-based media.
Try the PC version. I have X4-X8 and they often use standard formats for music, video, etc. X4 and X5's tracks are in the game's BGM folder, these play natively in Windows Media Player. I'll make a guide of sorts.

Does anyone know how to extract a large XA file? X6 has one instead of individual music like the others.
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> Does anyone know how to extract a large XA file? X6 has one instead of individual music like the others.

PsxMC can do that.
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