Login on main page?


New member
Why not put a login box on the main page of Zophars? Right at the top?
<P ID="signature">-------
Signiatures eat testiclites for BRUNCH :o</P>
> Why not put a login box on the main page of Zophars? Right
> at the top?

> Why not put a login box on the main page of Zophars? Right
> at the top?

There's a main page?

I just have the ZMD main page bookmarked. I'm not sure there is a real need to have the login on the main page as you are two clicks away from being logged in to the message board anyway.

<P ID="signature">http://www.badjawa.com
> I just have the ZMD main page bookmarked. I'm not sure there
> is a real need to have the login on the main page as you are
> two clicks away from being logged in to the message board
> anyway.

Not to mention this is not one of those incredibly queer sites where a login is required to download stuff and even navigate the pages. The logins are for forum use only.

Plus, aren't the cookies for forum logins saved forever?
<P ID="signature"><HR>http://www.geocities.com/lordsivak/index.htmlVisit my Mega Man page</A>

- Sivak Drac</P>
> There's a main page?

What ? Where ?
<P ID="signature">_________________________________________________________________

Sigs are overrated </P>
I don't even use the main page. I come directly to the boards.

In fact it's been so long since I've been to the main page that I'm still wondering when Jakesh is going to release a working Kallus 2.
<P ID="signature"></P>
<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

Why not put a login box on the main page of Zophars? Right at the top?

Worst idea of all time. If this happens, I'll wager 50% of the people that actualy visit the main page would disappear simply because of the arrogant "You must be privillaged enough to even visit. Begone."
<P ID="signature"><center><img src=http://leno.hypher.net/images/slick.png border=0 title="How Slick are you?">
Slickness factor of 10.</center></P>
Not like a members only thing, just so you're logged into the forums without going to the forums page.
<P ID="signature">-------
Signiatures eat testiclites for BRUNCH :o</P>
> Not like a members only thing, just so you're logged into
> the forums without going to the forums page.

Why not put it on a completely different web site, then? Makes about as much sense...
<P ID="signature"></P>
> Why not put it on a completely different web site, then?
> Makes about as much sense...

Why not update the main site or something?

<img src=smilies/mystery.gif>
<P ID="signature">-------
Signiatures eat testiclites for BRUNCH :o</P>
> > Why not put it on a completely different web site, then?
> > Makes about as much sense...
> Why not update the main site or something?

Wow. I think the thread of conversation just went through a Warp Zone and skipped a number of intermediate levels.
<P ID="signature"><center>
<a href=http://1001insomniacnights.com><img src=http://pages.nyu.edu/~jc73/misc/1k1IN.gif border=0>
1k1IN:</a><font color=#903030> A Dark Comedy About 2 Roomates</font></center></P>
> Wow. I think the thread of conversation just went through a
> Warp Zone and skipped a number of intermediate levels.


<P ID="signature">


<P ID="signature"><center>
<a href=http://1001insomniacnights.com><img src=http://pages.nyu.edu/~jc73/misc/1k1IN.gif border=0>
1k1IN:</a><font color=#903030> A Dark Comedy About 2 Roomates</font></center></P>

ya, I went in there and it took me to this underwater level and um, I went through the pipe at the end and it took me back to the beginning of the level!

PLS HELP! <img src=smilies/retard.gif>
<P ID="signature"></P>
> > Why not put it on a completely different web site, then?
> > Makes about as much sense...
> Why not update the main site or something?

Why not put commercial ROMs on the site or something?<img src=smilies/banghead.gif>
<P ID="signature"></P>
> You should see ACMLM's hack's Minus World. Now THAT's cool.
> I made it all the way to world -4.

I was only kidding around. To be completely honest, I was never able to pull off that bug (hell I was never able to pull of the 99 lives trick either)<img src=smilies/retard.gif>
<P ID="signature"></P>
> To be completely honest, I was never able to pull off that bug

Was it fixed in later versions on the NES? I know it was fixed in most of the ports, but I've only been able to pull it off on an emulator, it will not work on my actual NES. Since I had about three or four copies of the game before I sold them it's always possible I kept a later release (I did keep the one with the cart in the best shape, after all)
<P ID="signature">---
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