saw this fax down at the radio station yesterday from dickinson college. the press release is entitled "feminist seder explores women's roles".
here's what pissed me off:
<blockquote>"The seder is a popular Jewish tradition that celebrates the Passover holiday..."</blockquote>
popular? i guess christmas is a popular christian holiday you anti-semetic piece of shit.
<blockquote>At the feminist seder, participants will discuss women's roles in the Exodus story, and will compare how the language of liberation from historic narrative relates to contemporary experiences of women.</blockquote>
this is the biggest piece of garbage i've ever read. FEMINIST SEDER? can we say...sacreligious? i swear...women these days are such pieces of shit with this "equal rights" crap. you HAVE your damn equal rights, you ARE the same, yet you TRY and be different. same goes with blacks, spaniards, etc. they ARE the same as us...yet they "celebrate the differences" and wonder why they're singled out.
i'm so angry by this crap...feminist seder? what the hell is next? feminist midnight mass to discuss the role of mary and how bold and brave she was for not having sex to get pregnant?
<P ID="signature">
<table style=filter:glow(color=purple,strength=3)>Swamp Gas</table></P>
here's what pissed me off:
<blockquote>"The seder is a popular Jewish tradition that celebrates the Passover holiday..."</blockquote>
popular? i guess christmas is a popular christian holiday you anti-semetic piece of shit.
<blockquote>At the feminist seder, participants will discuss women's roles in the Exodus story, and will compare how the language of liberation from historic narrative relates to contemporary experiences of women.</blockquote>
this is the biggest piece of garbage i've ever read. FEMINIST SEDER? can we say...sacreligious? i swear...women these days are such pieces of shit with this "equal rights" crap. you HAVE your damn equal rights, you ARE the same, yet you TRY and be different. same goes with blacks, spaniards, etc. they ARE the same as us...yet they "celebrate the differences" and wonder why they're singled out.
i'm so angry by this crap...feminist seder? what the hell is next? feminist midnight mass to discuss the role of mary and how bold and brave she was for not having sex to get pregnant?
<P ID="signature">

<table style=filter:glow(color=purple,strength=3)>Swamp Gas</table></P>