installing windows... i knew this would suck.


Awesome Member
"a problem is preventing windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error code: 0x80070002"

i just finished installing windows xp pro on my system.

my cd has a small scuff in it, i was a little worried. And now I see it was for a good reason.

my research on the error indicates my "drive letter has changed"? But the only troubleshooting suggestions i've been given are:

restart, press f8 to log on in safe mode, but the problem is i get the error when trying to log on. I enter my password, it says "loading your settings" then bam, i get the error status box.

So far I'm thinking my only recourse is to try to track down a copy of windows and try to reinstall again. (when installing i had to skip a couple of files, but installation completed anyways).

Am I wrong? am I screwed?
Skipping files usually prompts Windows to bitch about not having them once it gets to the familiar desktop, in which case it would try and fetch from the CD again. But since you can't even get that far, I would suggest copying the i386 folder (or as much as you can) to a hard drive and install again from there. If you're using an OEM CD then you're screwed, cause I don't know how to get the crap out of it.

If that doesn't work, you'll have to get your hands on another copy, methinks.
i have called all my favours, hopefully one of them has a cd without a scratch on it :P

Thanks for the reply though Lenophis.
How did you get your copy of Windows XP? Was it included with your computer from a name-brand manufacturer or purchased separately?
Very strange that it would (apparently?) install ok but then not boot. Could a file be corrupt then? I'd have thought the installer would catch this.
Well here's the scoop boys, I got an old computer formatted and working well for the time being (hoo boy going from a 2gig processor and 1 gig ram to a 800Mhz and 256megs is a kick in the pills but I'm just happy to be online).

I think the main issue was the disk drive on my main system. It won't open on it's own, think it's misaligned. It must not have been reading my (just recently borrowed new XP) CD.

I wonder if It is also possible that I have changed hardware in this system so many times since the last install that it could be giving me troubles also.

Bottom Line: I've been putting off buying a new comp for a long time now, perhaps I'll try a new cd drive in it and one more try, and if issues persist, I'll just buy a new system and be done with it. I have wasted my entire day because of this lol.

I appreciate everyones suggestions. I'm just glad to be able to log on and say so :)
I agree, I'd buy a new drive and try that (you can probably find a basic one cheaply enough). Glad to hear you're back for now at least...I definitely sympathize with you (eesh, that computer sounds like when I jumped from my old laptop to my current beast of a machine, but in reverse...they're seperated by several years of advances in computer technology :P).
ugh. now im out of a job and my net is cut off till friday. I'm too much of a villain to let that keep me down though. But the keyboards at CAP sites suck donkey nuts :S
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