I'm tired of the old shit, let the new shit begin


New member
Evening all,

This is my new username - you've all seen me previously as 'thegodofhellfire'.

'Scott' is what I've been known as in the real world for the last 24 years (though I've probably been known by a few less-flattering names also). 'Thegodofhellfire', on the other hand, is a name I picked off the top of my head five years ago, which stuck for no reason other than habit.

In that time, I've picked up a bunch of letters after my name, got a proper grown-up job, got shacked up and completed Chrono Trigger four or five times (in no order of importance). All by the name my parents give me. I've also spent hours - countless hours - posting here, either to help out in emulation matters, engage in policital debate or share dick jokes. All by a name I'd picked a few hours after hearing a song by Arthur Brown on the radio.

But both were the same person, and it's about time I fixed that peculiar anomaly. Especially since I think that I'm a reasonable enough guy to put my own name to whatever I'll say around here.

So, all that being the case, I'm Scott. Howdy.

PS: Anyone in the know - is there any chance of me having my old postcount moved over? Those 1,295 posts represent a significant chunk of my misspent youth! Ta.
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> PS: Anyone in the know - is there any chance of me having my
> old postcount moved over? Those 1,295 posts represent a
> significant chunk of my misspent youth! Ta.

Ask an admin nicely and they should help you out.

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Wii console code - 7551377053011860</P>
> This is my new username - you've all seen me previously as
> 'thegodofhellfire'.

See, I don't do this when I get a new username. I just keep using the old one and the new one in parallel. So Lillymon still hangs around here, on GameFAQs, and in my e-mail address. But I'm known as Rhapsody for my new accounts now.
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!luos ruoy tae lliw stelek ehT</P>
Rox on!

Anonymity on the internet's an interesting topic. Some places cherish it (2channel), and many people have gotten into trouble with incriminating MySpace pages. However, if everyone had their name on everything they posted, the internet would probably be a much more civil place.
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> However, if everyone had their name on everything they posted, the
> internet would probably be a much more civil place.

That would be tragic. Only a brave few would still do it for the lulz.
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I may be out of line, but why didn't you just get the admins to change your name?

Sometimes I like spending time as a different persona. I can act like a different person without anyone making a fuss
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