I had another weird ass dream... it was real fucking odd.
A friend of mine had gone missing, and no one had any idea whatsoever of where she could be. Well, you know how dreams are, the next thing I knew I was in NY at my grandparent's house. I can't quite remember what happened there, just that the weather was finicky, and something about a car.
At one point I was riding in a car with someone, and we were stopped at a red light. Then, all of a sudden, the bodies of hundreds of dead girls started falling on the car. I could hear the thudding, and it seemed to last for a really, really long time. I could hear the screaming of all the people in the cars around us, as they all got littered with bodies. One of the bodies was my friend, or as it turned out, it was some one who looked a whole hell of a lot like her.
Eventually my friend came home, and was fine. but I cant remember anything other that about her.
My dream skipped around a little more. Then I was in a basement, that had flooded, and I was talking to the guy who had killed all those girls. He was telling me that he needed a certain amout of girl's blood, cause there was a money amount he needed to reach. He had my mom with him, and he grabbed her arm, but by this point we were in water up to the ceiling, and since it's a dream and all, we could talk and do whatever, but there was still swimming involved.
He told me that that he needed 50,000 more dollars, and that I'd help him reach it. So, he shot me in the chest, and stomach, and I saw all my blood ooze out into the water, and in front of my face was a ticker with a money amount on it, that was going up. It reached 50,000, and I wasn't dead. I don't really remember what happened next, but I know I got out of the basement somehow...
Yup, it's not as weird and random as the last one, but the whole bodies on the car thing creeped me out.