New member
Sorry about the length guys, but it was one of the weirdest dreams I've had in a loooong time.
I was hanging around at my mom's house, and I heard a loud engine buzzing sound, so I ran outside, and Amelia Earhart had landed her plane on the roof of their house. I ran inside to get my dad, and told him to bring out a camera with a flash on it cause it was dark out. He asked where she landed and all that, to make sure she didn't mess up the roof. I told him to hurry cause I doubted she'd be there for long, and that the picture would be worth something someday. We went outside, and she had flown away. I was pissed, then she somehow ended up talking to me, and she told me that she only landed there briefly so my dad wouldn't get mad.
After she left, I walked down the street, to this house that no one lives in anymore. I think that when I went in there I was in the garage. there were two kids in the there, and they were talking about sword fighting with Styrofoam swords. Somehow the house ended up having a stage and was hosting a talent show for zombies and witches, and whatever else fit into the category. There were creepy old guys on motorcycles, and zombies that looked like the ones from Oblivion.
While this was going on, I left the room while a pair of witches were doing gymnastics, and went into a garage. I was there talking to my mom, and my brother's girlfriend. they were talking about this place that was at my brother's friend's apartment complex. Apparently, if you went really far up the elevator, you'd get to this top part that had rocks, and a doorway that would take you somewhere, "super awesome" as they'd put it.
Well, shortly after this, were were being attacked my a pumpkin headed monster with a fiery stick body. He was smashing the garage up. I went back into the main part of the house, and went out for a cigarette, and I kept seeing cars full of weird people pulling up. Then some old dude, who was apparently running the talent show, told me to lock the doors. So I do, and I go to leave, and there's this little terrier dog chasing me. It's looks all kinds of dead.
Well, I'm freaking out, and run out into some woods to get away from it. I find a cave like place, and start climbing up it. The dog follows me, and I'm climbing up really fast to get away, but it stays at my heels the whole time. So I grab it, and decide to try and kill it, since it wasn't a real terrier anyway. So I grab it's top jaw and lower jaw, and start pulling King Kong style, while inside this cave tunnel. No matter what I do, this dog doesn't die. It still trying to get at me. I grab the top part of his lip and his bottom jaw and start peeling his skin back. I can hear his skin rip away from his nose, and off it's snout. I hear it pop as I pull it back from it's eyes. At this point when I see it's still trying to get me, I try dropping it. Didn't work, it landed on a ledge in front of me. I ball of dirt, and somehow cover it with blood, and start throwing them up wards, and it works. But I get to the mouth of the cave, and it's waiting for me. SO I grab him. I see that there's trash up here, and a book made out of plastic. At this point the dog gets really small, and I put it inside the lining of this clear plastic book.
I for some reason think that it's the place that they were talking about at my brother's friend's apartment complex, so I look around, and I see a small red portal between two trees. I walk through it, and I'm at a friend's house.
She has three rats in a cage, a white one and 2 black ones. She says that they're possessed by the devil. I'm like, hell, no, this is possessed by the devil. and I pull open the book with that dog smashed in it, still kicking and biting. She somehow get the idea of putting in the cage with the rats.
It doesn't kill them, instead it humps them all.
I realize this, and think it's trying to reproduce. So I take it out of the cage and put it back into that book, and roll the book up. I get the idea of digging a really deep hole, and throwing it in there, and then catching it on fire, then burying it.
We're on our way to do so, and we get stopped by some kids who ask us what's up, and we start singing songs about what we're going to do to this possessed dog thing.
That was when I woke up.
It was so weird...:scared:
I was hanging around at my mom's house, and I heard a loud engine buzzing sound, so I ran outside, and Amelia Earhart had landed her plane on the roof of their house. I ran inside to get my dad, and told him to bring out a camera with a flash on it cause it was dark out. He asked where she landed and all that, to make sure she didn't mess up the roof. I told him to hurry cause I doubted she'd be there for long, and that the picture would be worth something someday. We went outside, and she had flown away. I was pissed, then she somehow ended up talking to me, and she told me that she only landed there briefly so my dad wouldn't get mad.
After she left, I walked down the street, to this house that no one lives in anymore. I think that when I went in there I was in the garage. there were two kids in the there, and they were talking about sword fighting with Styrofoam swords. Somehow the house ended up having a stage and was hosting a talent show for zombies and witches, and whatever else fit into the category. There were creepy old guys on motorcycles, and zombies that looked like the ones from Oblivion.
While this was going on, I left the room while a pair of witches were doing gymnastics, and went into a garage. I was there talking to my mom, and my brother's girlfriend. they were talking about this place that was at my brother's friend's apartment complex. Apparently, if you went really far up the elevator, you'd get to this top part that had rocks, and a doorway that would take you somewhere, "super awesome" as they'd put it.
Well, shortly after this, were were being attacked my a pumpkin headed monster with a fiery stick body. He was smashing the garage up. I went back into the main part of the house, and went out for a cigarette, and I kept seeing cars full of weird people pulling up. Then some old dude, who was apparently running the talent show, told me to lock the doors. So I do, and I go to leave, and there's this little terrier dog chasing me. It's looks all kinds of dead.
Well, I'm freaking out, and run out into some woods to get away from it. I find a cave like place, and start climbing up it. The dog follows me, and I'm climbing up really fast to get away, but it stays at my heels the whole time. So I grab it, and decide to try and kill it, since it wasn't a real terrier anyway. So I grab it's top jaw and lower jaw, and start pulling King Kong style, while inside this cave tunnel. No matter what I do, this dog doesn't die. It still trying to get at me. I grab the top part of his lip and his bottom jaw and start peeling his skin back. I can hear his skin rip away from his nose, and off it's snout. I hear it pop as I pull it back from it's eyes. At this point when I see it's still trying to get me, I try dropping it. Didn't work, it landed on a ledge in front of me. I ball of dirt, and somehow cover it with blood, and start throwing them up wards, and it works. But I get to the mouth of the cave, and it's waiting for me. SO I grab him. I see that there's trash up here, and a book made out of plastic. At this point the dog gets really small, and I put it inside the lining of this clear plastic book.
I for some reason think that it's the place that they were talking about at my brother's friend's apartment complex, so I look around, and I see a small red portal between two trees. I walk through it, and I'm at a friend's house.
She has three rats in a cage, a white one and 2 black ones. She says that they're possessed by the devil. I'm like, hell, no, this is possessed by the devil. and I pull open the book with that dog smashed in it, still kicking and biting. She somehow get the idea of putting in the cage with the rats.
It doesn't kill them, instead it humps them all.
I realize this, and think it's trying to reproduce. So I take it out of the cage and put it back into that book, and roll the book up. I get the idea of digging a really deep hole, and throwing it in there, and then catching it on fire, then burying it.
We're on our way to do so, and we get stopped by some kids who ask us what's up, and we start singing songs about what we're going to do to this possessed dog thing.
That was when I woke up.
It was so weird...:scared: