I cant download stuff for some reason..... ...

8 bit spit

New member
I don't know if it's only my computer or what but whenever I try to download a music file, it takes me to an encryption page instead of it just downloading. I never had this problem before and I'm wondering if there's a limit to how much I can download from this site? I've already downloaded a gang of .nsf files and I can't anymore. What's up with this??!! Plus all the links are in gray, as if I've visited every link on the site which I know I haven't.

I'm using a mac btw.
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I don't know if it's only my computer or what but whenever I try to download a music file, it takes me to an encryption page instead of it just downloading.

Not sure about Mac browsers, but is there an option to click the link and 'Save As'? This happens to me occasionally with a file on some websites. If it is what I think it is, essentially the web browser is trying to open the file (zip or rar, I'd presume) as a text file in the browser itself rather than save the file to whatever folder you are trying to save it to.
unfortunately when I do that it says "file does not exist". I'm trying to download the NSF file of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
I might've found the problem. I can't download anything using Safari (the web browser for macs), but I used Firefox and it downloaded okay. I wonder who else that uses Safari has this problem.
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